Time Bomb


So.. just out of curiousity. I know everybody has their sorted political views, but this next year when half of America is pissed due to Ron Paul conspiracy theories/or just whatever.. what will come of it? Will there be any uprisings? It wont be anything like V for Vendetta, I'm sure, but I think we're on the verge of a major movement. If we [the people] collectively believe that we've been had, it's almost scary to think of what *might happen.

I don't want this to turn into a political bigotry discussion, I just want to talk about the citizens, themselves.
Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, I do that. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I'm hopeful of the future. Young voters and future voters are more and more becoming libertarian and that tells me the ideas will not only continue but will grow. I think in the future Ron Paul will be looked at as a pioneer (Here comes in the anti-Paul brigade)


New Member
So.. just out of curiousity. I know everybody has their sorted political views, but this next year when half of America is pissed due to Ron Paul conspiracy theories/or just whatever.. what will come of it? Will there be any uprisings? It wont be anything like V for Vendetta, I'm sure, but I think we're on the verge of a major movement. If we [the people] collectively believe that we've been had, it's almost scary to think of what *might happen.

I don't want this to turn into a political bigotry discussion, I just want to talk about the citizens, themselves.
Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, I do that. Any thoughts?
By this time next year. The Unemployed who have been sitting on their asses for 3 years will take that lower paying job. The economy will have recovered even more than the slow steady pace its at now
And people will go back to watching American Idol and complaining about whoever is in Power


Well-Known Member
By this time next year. The Unemployed who have been sitting on their asses for 3 years will take that lower paying job. The economy will have recovered even more than the slow steady pace its at now
And people will go back to watching American Idol and complaining about whoever is in Power
Hopefully, I'm trying to hire 5 entry level positions and I'm struggling, tbh.


New Member
I got Laid off last February. I took a job that paid 5 dollars an hour less. Every week after working 40 I would get a check that was about 80 bucks more than Unemployment. And i asked myself. Why in the fuck am I working. Well i went on another interview a couple months later. And the president told me I had the most impressive Resume he had seen in a long time.

He had a whole stack of Resumes from guys that hadnt worked in 2 years. Well some of those guys are still "laid off" I'm making more money than I did Before I got laid off


Active Member
I refuse to work for less than my worth. ( I have a job that pays on the low end of my worth but... ) I have gone self-employed a few times rather than get paid like shit. I am not a slave I am a free man, working for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am not happy when my wages are stagnant whilst upper management is getting bonuses and raises.

When an employer says w00t, I am giving you a 3.7% raise I tell them that is no raise, anything less is a pay loss, 3.7% on average, just covers inflation. If you get a 5% raise you truly are only getting a 1.3% pay raise, stop being idiots.

The more people who accept 3rd world wages just equals the United States of America turning into a 3rd world country that much faster.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6471478 said:
I refuse to work for less than my worth. ( I have a job that pays on the low end of my worth but... ) I am not a slave I am a free man, working for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am not happy when my wages are stagnant whilst upper management is getting bonuses and raises.

When an employer says w00t, I am giving you a 3.7% raise I tell them that is no raise, anything less is a pay loss, 3.7% on average, just covers inflation.

The more people who accept 3rd world wages just equals the United States of America turning into a 3rd world country that much faster.
While that is respectable, if you are living off of unemployment or government assistance rather than getting a job because you are too prideful, than you need to go fuck yourself. :)


Active Member
I agree, unemployment insurance doesn't cover when you quit as far as I know. The few times I have quit I just fired up my own truck and ran independent until future, fair employment was gained again.


New Member
While that is respectable, if you are living off of unemployment or government assistance rather than getting a job because you are too prideful, than you need to go fuck yourself. :)
I think 6 months is long enough. With maybe a hearing for an extension. The three weeks of unemployment I collected last year was sitting on my ass. I drove alleys looking for scrap metal


Well-Known Member
So.. just out of curiousity. I know everybody has their sorted political views, but this next year when half of America is pissed due to Ron Paul conspiracy theories/or just whatever.. what will come of it? Will there be any uprisings? It wont be anything like V for Vendetta, I'm sure, but I think we're on the verge of a major movement. If we [the people] collectively believe that we've been had, it's almost scary to think of what *might happen.

I don't want this to turn into a political bigotry discussion, I just want to talk about the citizens, themselves.
Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, I do that. Any thoughts?
70's all over again. are we sure somethings going to happen to time?


70's all over again. are we sure somethings going to happen to time?
Just seems like a lot of unrest.. war on terror is dying down(?), a lot of citizens are angry we still have troops abroad.. people aren't satisfied with the gov' in general, everyone knows we have spending issues ie debt.

I just have a feeling something big is going to happen soon, for the better or worse.. that's just what I'm feeling.


Active Member
Just seems like a lot of unrest.. war on terror is dying down(?), a lot of citizens are angry we still have troops abroad.. people aren't satisfied with the gov' in general, everyone knows we have spending issues ie debt.

I just have a feeling something big is going to happen soon, for the better or worse.. that's just what I'm feeling.
But is it really the governments fault? Is the peoples anger justified?


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6471540 said:
I agree, unemployment insurance doesn't cover when you quit as far as I know. The few times I have quit I just fired up my own truck and ran independent until future, fair employment was gained again.
You would be surprised how many people quit and then get Unemployment. All you have to do is say you quit becasue of bad treatemnt at work was causing you to have mental difficulties and depression. You'll get the unemployment every time. At one point I worked for a state managed unemployment office, so I know the inside track.


Active Member
You would be surprised how many people quit and then get Unemployment. All you have to do is say you quit becasue of bad treatemnt at work was causing you to have mental difficulties and depression. You'll get the unemployment every time. At one point I worked for a state managed unemployment office, so I know the inside track.
Wow, didn't know that , thought you had to be fired or laid off.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You'd be surprised at how many people were laid off due to the economic free fall. You'd also be surprised at how the Ron Paulites love to blame the unemployed for their unfortunate circumstances. Whether you all want to believe it or not, the jobs just aren't there. 25 million people out of work isn't due to laziness or wanting to live off the government. We have a true crisis in this country and it's only getting larger. We have to address this issue before we get bogged down in a Depression even larger then The Great Depression.

Keep trying to blame the unemployed and the poor for the country's woes. Let's continue to ignore a financial system that's out of control and a congress that is bought and paid in full by large Corporations. We need to get the money out of politics and start arresting and prosecuting those responsible for the financial collapse. I don't know if you all realize this or not but trillions of dollars are being siphoned out of the U.S. It has to stop if we are to survive as a nation.

Stop trying to find scape goats. We know who is responsible. All the rest is partisan bullshit.


Active Member
There is no crisis, upper management is doing just fine thank you.

Thing is social security, medicaid/care???(I always get them mixed up) and unemployment are not entitlements. They are paid for by the employee and employer as insurance.

Entitlements are when oil companies get paid to go find more oil, wish I got paid on top of getting paid for doing my job.


We have a true crisis in this country and it's only getting larger. We have to address this issue before we get bogged down in a Depression even larger then The Great Depression.

Keep trying to blame the unemployed and the poor for the country's woes. Let's continue to ignore a financial system that's out of control and a congress that is bought and paid in full by large Corporations. We need to get the money out of politics and start arresting and prosecuting those responsible for the financial collapse. I don't know if you all realize this or not but trillions of dollars are being siphoned out of the U.S. It has to stop if we are to survive as a nation.

Stop trying to find scape goats. We know who is responsible. All the rest is partisan bullshit.
Exactly what I wanted to hear/start. (as a topic, not reality)


Well-Known Member
Keep trying to blame the unemployed and the poor for the country's woes. Let's continue to ignore a financial system that's out of control and a congress that is bought and paid in full by large Corporations. We need to get the money out of politics and start arresting and prosecuting those responsible for the financial collapse. I don't know if you all realize this or not but trillions of dollars are being siphoned out of the U.S. It has to stop if we are to survive as a nation.

Stop trying to find scape goats. We know who is responsible. All the rest is partisan bullshit.
I haven't seen any RP supporters blame unemployed people for being unemployed in the first place. Where do YOU see this at?

If you seriously think people need to go to prison, you can start with the 535 or so politicians who have sold the country out.