This sucks! Opinions needed.


Well-Known Member
So I ordered some White Rhino. Seeds came perfectly fine and in a jiffy. All 10 germinated perfectly. I planted last night after work around midnight. This morning I wake up notice its pretty damn chilly out! I check the weather, out of ALL the NICEE days we have and will be having. Today is a high of 69 with a low of 46!!! Will this stop my seeds from sprouting? It seems the top of my soil is pretty cold aswell. The last week and a half has been awsome 80-90 degrees consistent. The frost however is over so I'm not worried about that. Please dont tell me I just killed all 10 of my plants :cry:


Well-Known Member
no you will be fine. cold weather slows growth processes ane locks out valuable nutes, but since they are so young, they will just grow slower in the cold.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I was so worried they would not sprout due to the cold. This is a relief! I was forced to plant last night bc germination was complete and I work during the days. Today I got to work in a horrible mood but aslong as their fine I'm a happy camper! Those low temps had me a on edge heh. Fucking Ohio I tell you!


Well-Known Member
Your good, cannabis is a very durable genus. I have been surprised many times at the temperature extremes my plants have had to endure over the years. Cheers, and good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
hi man, gl on your seeds, the general concensus is that they are all going to pop out in a week depending on how cold the temps last these next days.. Anyway, if you don't mind, how much did 10 seeds of WR cost you online?


Well-Known Member
Check out attitude they have a bunch of different prices on WR. I got the cheap ones from Nirvana. The next 5 days are in the high 70s/80s with a low in the high 50s/60s. I got tricked during the memorial day weekend heat wave we had..had a week or more straight of 90s and figured it would be nice from here on out. Hopefully I dont regret doing that!


Well-Known Member
I had my brother sprinkle some warm water on them, i'll do it again tonight to make sure they arent that cold.


Well-Known Member
Don't overwater them. Warm water will end up the same temp as everything else in minutes anyway so that won't help and could rot the seed. Just have patience, your temps there aren't that cold, it'll do fine


Don't overwater them. Warm water will end up the same temp as everything else in minutes anyway so that won't help and could rot the seed. Just have patience, your temps there aren't that cold, it'll do fine
This a great tip,and true. Only time will tell, I know it can be nerve racking when you pay like that for seeds! Goold luck to, I hope your babes grow into babalicious bitches!


Well-Known Member
next time start em in doors between paper towels and plates wrap it with a towel and put in warm dark place water when needed and when they pop put em in the ground this help because youll reframe from digging through the soil to find your plants if your antsy


Well-Known Member
I germinate using a cup of water. The reason I planed last night after work was bc roots were showing and I know if I leave them in there much longer after that it can drowned them. Hopefully we have some pops in the next couple of days! Thanks for all your guys help!


Well-Known Member
move it indoors at night(if its in a pot) I had an auto big bang I planted 2weeks ago,days-55F-ish nights upper 30-low 40 took 10 days to sprout-i was moving it inside(65F) at night for the last few nights before it sprouted then for a few after....Then it was rainy and cold for a week which I think stunted it..oh well freebie


Well-Known Member
UPDATE ALL 10 are up....given the exception of the one my dog bit and uprooted...that little bastard lol! But their looking great, got them in 4-5 gallon buckets with the center ring of the bucket cut out at the bottom for the roots to go into the ground if needed and plenty of drainage holes!