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  • Top soil is entirely tooo heavy, do not use it. For soil cannabis likes to have light soil with lots of room for roots to spread. I would start your plants off in a soiless medium like Promix, in your holes you intend on planting your plants in you want your actual soil. Try some fox farm maybe? Look up Subcools super soil mix. Theres alot of good soil options, you'll find a recipe that suits you. Just remember top soil is BAD....dont use it.
    Hi JJ05 seeing your grows has intrigued me quite a bit. this year i am ding a 60 plant grow with six different strains, (obvi 10 plants per strains). but i intend to use 30 gal smart pots for each plant. My question is at such a large soil based grow im considering having a local nursery bring me a 10 or so yards of organic topsoil. now id like to make my own soil mix and am kind of wondering at this level where to start with making a soil from scratch with just 10 yards of soil. Im not sure if i have to turn my top soil into potting soil and then create a separate soil mix with the usuall organic nutes using my created potting soil as a base. as you can see buying a ton of pre mixed soil in bags would set me back a ridiculous amount of money. so i see your 10 - 14 ft plants and wonder what kind of mix you managed to create. Any help you could lend would be MUCH APPRECIATED. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
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