This girl just got her card!


Well-Known Member
Do you think being a republican means anything?How many people are in the electors 200-300 people decide who is president not the general public. We are a statistic.
Yes, being a republican means that those who are running the show can point to you and say, "see? That's our base right there! He's a supporter of our agenda!"


Well-Known Member
You seem pretty confused :eyesmoke:

^^^ That meme in reality today represents no white men and no Republicans. Today with nearly half of our states having medicinal laws and ten percent having recreational laws, how do you justify/explain these Democrats currently responsible for maintaining this racket of arresting an American every 22 seconds for MJ? No accountability or understanding from low information voters such as yourself? Last year the DNC Chairwoman likened allowing medicinal dispensaries to a pill mill as she defeated Florida's attempt at establishing medicinal laws. A social conservative may not support MMJ for confused ethical/moral reasoning, but there is no question as to which political parties ideology literally banks on this game today.

To believe that the democrats are more responsible than republicans for where we are today is absurd.

Who was it again that launched the "war on drugs" in the first place?

Did you look at how the vote shook out the other day in that article you posted? More republicans opposed to medicinal/recreational marijuana than were for it. A lot more. The democrats on the other hand....


Well-Known Member

To believe that the democrats are more responsible than republicans for where we are today is absurd.

Who was it again that launched the "war on drugs" in the first place?

Did you look at how the vote shook out the other day in that article you posted? More republicans opposed to medicinal/recreational marijuana than were for it. A lot more. The democrats on the other hand....
There equally to blame.....

Clinton expanded on what Reagan did, and now you have Dems like Shultz who is the head of the DNC saying there is not enough evidence to support the medical aspects of cannabis and that we need to continue funding the DEA.


Well-Known Member
It's a very conflicting aspect for politicians and the law enforcement lobby is the majority of the problem.

Republicans don't want to upset a piece of their fundraising puzzle even though they look like hypocrites, and Dems don't want to reduce federal jobs or cut budgets even though their base supports cannabis legislation. Pharmaceutical lobby also has a huge amount pressure on everyone to keep legislation at a standstill.


Well-Known Member
(Also MMMP)

You can have up to 2.5oz of useable bud on you. Hash, oil, budder, etc. is a grey area for now, as are dispensaries. Your grow room doesn't actually HAVE to have any posted paperwork, but its nice to do so for your own security. NO ONE without a lisence is allowed inside that room. That room must remain LOCKED. Never ever (ever) be without your Micigan ID, AND MMMP cards.....

And you are set :)


Well-Known Member
It's a very conflicting aspect for politicians and the law enforcement lobby is the majority of the problem.

Pharmaceutical lobby also has a huge amount pressure on everyone to keep legislation at a standstill.
Mostly this...


Well-Known Member
There equally to blame.....

Clinton expanded on what Reagan did, and now you have Dems like Shultz who is the head of the DNC saying there is not enough evidence to support the medical aspects of cannabis and that we need to continue funding the DEA.
They are both complicit in this but I don't think they share equal blame. Just look at voting records. Democrats have been MUCH more favorable to cannabis legislation both at the state and federal level.

They both suck, but I don't see how you can call them equals here.


Well-Known Member

To believe that the democrats are more responsible than republicans for where we are today is absurd.

The fact of the matter is that Barrack Obama (lawyer) and his AGs (lawyers Holder & Lynch) are responsible for maintaining MMJ on their schedule I controlled substance list regardless of its literal absurdity for decades now period. With nearly half of our states having medicinal laws and ten percent having recreational laws during their tenure, the maintaining MJ arrests in this country at a rate of every 22 seconds should be criminal. No others in history have faced this reality and chose to ignore it in favor of their lobbiests. That video of testimony speaks of a reality you simply cannot deny, just as the absurdity of your statement.

Who was it again that launched the "war on drugs" in the first place?

You refer to our last Republican lawyer president (Nixon) we've had in office whom oversaw the building of Big Government like no other time in our history and was actually held accountable for some of his corruption as he was tossed out of office. It would be critical to note that it was a Democrat congress with a 40 year reign whom wrote and passed the Controlled Substance Act among much more bullshit that Nixon signed into "law". A lot has changed since then, like Hilary Clinton, Elisabeth Warren (lawyers) and their lot "progressively" morphing into Democrats from Republicans.

Did you look at how the vote shook out the other day in that article you posted? More republicans opposed to medicinal/recreational marijuana than were for it. A lot more. The democrats on the other hand....

Those amendments would have went nowhere without those Republican authors leadership. The reality is not every Republican is a social conservative or represents a social conservative constituency. On the flip side not every Democrat is an elitist lawyer with a history of being a drug warrior bent on the game of lawfare and Big Government. Are you planning on voting for the latter (Hilary Clinton) in 2016 somehow expecting a different out come :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Personally Id like to see Bernie Sanders win, but that ain't gonna happen.

I'm fully capable of admitting that both sides are culpable in this. Special Interests call the shots, and corporate America stands to lose big if/when marihuana is legalized. I understand and acknowledge this.

I just think it's silly to take shots at one party or the other when it comes to this like you make a habit of doing. It's particularly silly to try to paint this as a democrat problem. Revisionist history.


Well-Known Member
Personally Id like to see Bernie Sanders win, but that ain't gonna happen.

I'm fully capable of admitting that both sides are culpable in this. Special Interests call the shots, and corporate America stands to lose big if/when marihuana is legalized. I understand and acknowledge this.

I just think it's silly to take shots at one party or the other when it comes to this like you make a habit of doing. It's particularly silly to try to paint this as a democrat problem. Revisionist history.
You know more than a little bit about revisionist history, I'll give you that. It's Big Business that stands to lose from legalization you say :confused: Please share your insight.


Well-Known Member
It's Big Business that stands to lose from legalization you say :confused: Please share your insight.
You need this explained to you? You don't think that the private prison system stands to lose? Pharmaceutical industry? Alcohol?

The very root of marijuana prohibition came from big business interests not wanting to compete with hemp.



Well-Known Member
You need this explained to you? You don't think that the private prison system stands to lose? Pharmaceutical industry? Alcohol?

The very root of marijuana prohibition came from big business interests not wanting to compete with hemp.

This drug war props up our entire modern day "justice system" with both cash and power (aka Big Government). This "justice" industry is made up of almost entirely union represented government employees. Like 70% of the "business" occurring in our Federal court houses today is drug related. This criminal prohibition lawfare scheme has never and will never work, not with alcohol, not with drugs, not with anything. The lawfare ideology is as fundamentally flawed as our politicians selling it.

Under the Obama administration's Justice Department Americans have been arrested every 22 seconds for MJ nationwide based on an absurdity and regardless of state laws, while not one banker has been arrested for their responsibility in the financial collapse. Rather numerous of those banking executives have extensive political relationships and cabinet positions within this administration as well as the Clinton administration. Like Citigroup's COO Jack lew, the lawyer and well known Democrat whom is currently serving as our Secretary of the Treasury. You just cannot make this shit up ...

A hemp industry today would be a boom for Big Business and job creation period. It is Big Government that would be the obvious loser, as it's absurd criminal prohibition of it today is the problem. It's time for us to address the problem you obviously do not care to understand ...


Well-Known Member
This drug war props up our entire modern day "justice system" with both cash and power (aka Big Government). This "justice" industry is made up of almost entirely union represented government employees. Like 70% of the "business" occurring in our Federal court houses today is drug related. This criminal prohibition lawfare scheme has never and will never work, not with alcohol, not with drugs, not with anything. The lawfare ideology is as fundamentally flawed as our politicians selling it.

Under the Obama administration's Justice Department Americans have been arrested every 22 seconds for MJ nationwide based on an absurdity and regardless of state laws, while not one banker has been arrested for their responsibility in the financial collapse. Rather numerous of those banking executives have extensive political relationships and cabinet positions within this administration as well as the Clinton administration. Like Citigroup's COO Jack lew, the lawyer and well known Democrat whom is currently serving as our Secretary of the Treasury. You just cannot make this shit up ...

A hemp industry today would be a boom for Big Business and job creation period. It is Big Government that would be the obvious loser, as it's absurd criminal prohibition of it today is the problem. It's time for us to address the problem you obviously do not care to understand ...
Not that i disagree with any of that, but That wasn't what we were discussing. Corporate America stands to lose billions if marijuana is legalized. You went off in completely different direction with your rant.

Of course police unions, the criminal justice system, lawyers, rehab facilities, etc stand to lose out too. Not exactly breaking news. But for you to question corporate Americas stake in this, when they have spent billions lobbying against marijuana legalization is a real head scratcher.


Well-Known Member
Not that i disagree with any of that, but That wasn't what we were discussing. Corporate America stands to lose billions if marijuana is legalized. You went off in completely different direction with your rant.

Of course police unions, the criminal justice system, lawyers, rehab facilities, etc stand to lose out too. Not exactly breaking news. But for you to question corporate Americas stake in this, when they have spent billions lobbying against marijuana legalization is a real head scratcher.
I have no idea what you are talking about and assume that you do not either. Corporate America has no more to lose than they have to gain from legalization, that's how capitalism and a free market works. It is theoretically a zero sum game, so where there are loses (whatever you are insinuating) there will be gains such as the hemp industry and medical research currently banned by bad law and the will to maintain it. That cannot be said about the governments loses of size/power/control and the Peoples gains in freedom from the abuse of such government. That is not a zero sum game no matter how you chose to spin it.
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Well-Known Member
They are both complicit in this but I don't think they share equal blame. Just look at voting records. Democrats have been MUCH more favorable to cannabis legislation both at the state and federal level.

They both suck, but I don't see how you can call them equals here.
We've had this discussion before and I know you lean more toward LIbs as the hero's of mankind, however after our discussion I googled who has had control of senate and surprisingly it was about 50/50 just in different times. The problem with people dropping little snippets here and there that republicans are responsible for most of the atrocities on mankind it keeps others going on the same thinking instead turning people around to see that all (99.99999%) of politicians are corrupt. Logically I can't see an end to any of it until nuclear war.


Well-Known Member
We've had this discussion before and I know you lean more toward LIbs as the hero's of mankind, however after our discussion I googled who has had control of senate and surprisingly it was about 50/50 just in different times. The problem with people dropping little snippets here and there that republicans are responsible for most of the atrocities on mankind it keeps others going on the same thinking instead turning people around to see that all (99.99999%) of politicians are corrupt. Logically I can't see an end to any of it until nuclear war.
Heroes of mankind? Not sure where you got that. Yeah, I certainly have a more liberal mindset. I don't have a problem with gay marriage, I think women should be in charge of their own body, I don't support all of the war mongering we do.... but when it comes to politics I think they're all corrupt and full of shit. Obama has been an abject failure IMO, just like the guy before him. I think the democrats are the lesser of two evils for the most part, but I don't consider any of them "heroes".


Well-Known Member
I think the true liberal "live and let live" tolerant attitude is good. I'm a lot like a classical liberal because I'm a libertarian. This "progressive" fascist socialist crap that has taken over the modern democrat party is far from being tolerant....hence the word fascist. I truly believe that the extreme progressive types have a learned mental illness that was taught to them in the school system.They are totalitarian control freak scum just like the republicans. I say hang them all!