Thieves Oil as natural pesticide


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have been reading a lot about this concoction called "Thieves Oil." From what I can gather, 4 thieves came up with this oil mixture during the bubonic plague to keep themselves from catching it while they robbed the sick and dead. It is supposed to be great for a lot of things such as a preventative to flu/cold to toothache/infection cure. It has also been known to be used as a natural pesticide on plants when diluted with water.
the mixture contains clove oil, cinnamon, lemon oil, rosemary oil, eucalyptus oil, mint oil (optional) cut w/ a base oil such as olives (or maybe neem oil for mites and thripes?)

Is the mixture safe for MJ, would it work on mites/thripes or even other bacterial problems? Im curious as to if anyone has heard of using this as a pesticide for MJ, or used it themselves.
Input is appriciated.

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Sounds interesting. If known to be used on plants I'm assuming it would be fine. If anything just try it on one plant til u see it ok and doesn't effect growth negatively.


Well-Known Member
Yes it should be safe then. Also, if diffused in the air, will prevent and kill molds. I currently do not have these problems in my grow room, but I am goin gto order a bottle just in case. See how it goes. Some of my 3"x3" rockwool cubes have algea on the tops from the lights, I wonder if it will do any good for that. We shall see.
Again, If any one has experience with thieves oil as a pesticide, please do share.