The US Deficit Almost Completely Disappeared In December

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Somalia is the Right wing/Libertarian dream

Small goverment
no burdensome regulations

I wonder why the whiners dont go there. I know for some it's a problem with melanin content

Is this the best you can do? It sounds like telling a woman after you abuse her, if she doesn't like it, the guy down the street is a REAL douchebag.

Melanin content? What does that have to do with anything here? For the record I could give a flying fuck what color a person is, assholes who want to control others come in all colors. For the record I was born in the South Pacific, relatively close to where that fucker Captain Cook ended up in a cannibals stew pot.


Well-Known Member
Somalia is the Right wing/Libertarian dream

Small goverment
no burdensome regulations

I wonder why the whiners dont go there. I know for some it's a problem with melanin content
Well, that is the step down, alright. Warlord is not small govt. It is no govt. No rule of law, only the rule of power. No regs, just brutal rules. No freedom, fear.

You do know we have something called citizen sovereignty? Each individual has certain unalienable rights. Not the entire world. Just the USA. Of, for and by the Sovereigns, individually. We got that through force of arms. We protect it with our System.

So it is a much deeper right and responsibility than just whining to go to Somalia. Some Mercs tried to coup the Sachylles, back in the 80s. Got close. You would have little luck in Somalia. But, I wish you well.

Sovereign Citizenship is the status held by our forefathers. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and everyone else who won their freedom from the British Empire had this status. It was the birthright of all Americans, and we were generous in extending this most important right to foreign-born persons through the naturalization laws. With this status, our unalienable rights of life, liberty, and property couldn't be infringed. During the Civil War a method was discovered by the leading attorneys, financiers, and politicians of the day to deprive us of this status. Fortunately, we can get it back.