The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
From my experience being an electronics/computer AV geek in and out of my field of work. there is so much dangerous software out there even with the capibility of removing malware from the registry, some of the trojans going around these days are so complex and difficult to remove and simply edit out, it's just easier to backup and start fresh. Put in disc, click, click, done... reinstall flash player, and chrome, etc... Virus free. Sometimes starting from a blank slate is best, not only on the PC, but also in the grow room. Depending on how fuck up things can get.

check out this new one going around-

or this one-
"The hackers then used this information to take over the victims’ bank accounts and make unauthorized transfers of thousands of dollars at a time, often routing the funds to other accounts controlled by a network of money mules. Many of the U.S. money mules were recruited from overseas. They created bank accounts using fake documents and phony names. Once the money was in their accounts, the mules could either wire it back to their bosses in Eastern Europe, or turn it into cash and smuggle it out of the country. For their work, they were paid a commission.[20]....Symantec Browser Protection can prevent "some infection attempts"[9] but it remains unclear if modern antivirus software is effective at preventing all of its variants from taking root."


bud bootlegger
well, i for one appreciate the info monster, thank you kindly.. i do run a malware program, but i'll make sure to do a scan to make shit is ok..

i'm sure there are plenty of malwares that can't be detected, but watt do i know??

thanks again for the 411 md.. :D


bud bootlegger
hey drank, how do they get the virus attached to my info in the first place? this is where i get kind of confused with this type of stuff.. do they attach a file or w/e to say the sage pay or w/e and get it that way, or how does that work ??

Higher Medz

Well-Known Member
have to replace the compressor for my a/c. that shit is only 14 months old and gone to the shits already...

have my last 12 flowering plants currently in the veg room, so have to do some give and take with the light schedule till i'm done trimming all....pace!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Question for the experts. I had a pretty rough veg on my latest batch in flowering. The heat was really bad during the heat wave. I vegged them longer until they started to grow normally after the heat was taken care of, but they are still giving me fits in flowering. yield is gonna be low, quality looks good, but they just have been having a rough time. They Moby Dick and deadhead og are hardly putting on any weight at all. They are just about 7 weeks in and normally I'd be getting ready to start my flush, but they look like they are going to go for prob another month or so. The plushberry and gdp look good but still look light and might need up to a month to finish. That being said, I have a perpetual and need the space. Do I cut my losses and flush them and move them on, or do I try to hold out and give them the extra time to salvage what I can. I'm already a bit behind because I had to veg them for an extra month, so things are kinda starting to come to critical mass. Just wondering what you would do.

Like I said, the GDP and Plush are looking light, but the quality on them is still really good. The moby however looks like it will prob only yield maybe an ounce if I'm lucky.... Damned heat. What do you guys think? Cut losses, move on to bigger and better things, or hang tight and deal.


Well-Known Member
From my experience being an electronics/computer AV geek in and out of my field of work. there is so much dangerous software out there even with the capibility of removing malware from the registry, some of the trojans going around these days are so complex and difficult to remove and simply edit out, it's just easier to backup and start fresh. Put in disc, click, click, done... reinstall flash player, and chrome, etc... Virus free. Sometimes starting from a blank slate is best, not only on the PC, but also in the grow room. Depending on how fuck up things can get.

check out this new one going around-

or this one-
"The hackers then used this information to take over the victims’ bank accounts and make unauthorized transfers of thousands of dollars at a time, often routing the funds to other accounts controlled by a network of money mules. Many of the U.S. money mules were recruited from overseas. They created bank accounts using fake documents and phony names. Once the money was in their accounts, the mules could either wire it back to their bosses in Eastern Europe, or turn it into cash and smuggle it out of the country. For their work, they were paid a commission.[20]....Symantec Browser Protection can prevent "some infection attempts"[9] but it remains unclear if modern antivirus software is effective at preventing all of its variants from taking root."
did he try a system restore?


Well-Known Member
Question for the experts. I had a pretty rough veg on my latest batch in flowering. The heat was really bad during the heat wave. I vegged them longer until they started to grow normally after the heat was taken care of, but they are still giving me fits in flowering. yield is gonna be low, quality looks good, but they just have been having a rough time. They Moby Dick and deadhead og are hardly putting on any weight at all. They are just about 7 weeks in and normally I'd be getting ready to start my flush, but they look like they are going to go for prob another month or so. The plushberry and gdp look good but still look light and might need up to a month to finish. That being said, I have a perpetual and need the space. Do I cut my losses and flush them and move them on, or do I try to hold out and give them the extra time to salvage what I can. I'm already a bit behind because I had to veg them for an extra month, so things are kinda starting to come to critical mass. Just wondering what you would do.

Like I said, the GDP and Plush are looking light, but the quality on them is still really good. The moby however looks like it will prob only yield maybe an ounce if I'm lucky.... Damned heat. What do you guys think? Cut losses, move on to bigger and better things, or hang tight and deal.
If you think they have a chance at gaining 25% value than percent less... toss imho;-)

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Nightbirdx. Man I think we've all been there before. This summer was brutal. I've got four girls That sound like why you have. And I think I'm gonna put them outside to finish. Hopefully they will make it and won't get found. But I just can't allow them to occupy the space any longer. Not when I have healthy girls ready to fill their spots. It sucks but in the end it will be worth it for me. Why leave a plant that's only gonna pulls n ounce when I can get more from that space with a healthy girl. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
and please take Jenkins with you.
Really man? why do you keep bringing my name up in a negative manner? I have done nothing i.e. being annoying, talking smack (like you), being negative to others for no reason what so ever. please do me a favor and chill dude I have done nothing to you and don't plan on it ever.

anyway enough with that I'm not even responding to this nonsense anymore.

Have a nice day and don't let that negativity take you over man stay positive and I hope things go well for you.


Well-Known Member
hey drank, how do they get the virus attached to my info in the first place? this is where i get kind of confused with this type of stuff.. do they attach a file or w/e to say the sage pay or w/e and get it that way, or how does that work ??
They come from many different places. Best thing to do or not to do..

Stay away from any websites you aren't familiar with. Sites that are big name corporate sites like CNN, WIKI, Google, Fox News, Walmart, Bestbuy, Etc you can presume as safe and can surf without thinking about it. Sites like these canna-sites and other Vbulliten forums are usually harmless allthough links posted in forums may not be. If you aren't familiar with the site always assume there will be some malicious code or script running in the backround, I do and I am very leary which sites I visit. Facebook apps and applets are a big no no unless you are certain the app you are using is not going to be malicious, only ever use apps you trust. Also some sites and pop ups actually advertise themselves as being spyware/virii cleaners and they themselves are malicious. Always use a pop up blocker. Downloading files or using Peer to Peer is a huge source of Virus and Trojan-Ware. Get yourself familar with which file extensions are safe and which are not if you download from Peer to peer services. Files like MP3, MP4, AVI, MKV, MPG, WAV. VOB, JPG, GIF, BMP...are safe non executable files that take no action. Files like WMV, MOV, EXE, COM, BAT on the other hand are not safe. Windows default setting is that file extensions are hidden. You may not even see the ending of a file. Example- ROLLITUP.JPG might appear as simply a file called "ROLLITUP" To unhide the extension so windows shows all extensions, follow this tutorial- HERE. <-- it's my number one pet peeve with windows honestly. Everyone should know and get used to what type of files they open. & one more tip, chances are if something is free.. a game, or an app there's a catch. Alot of "Free" bundled software comes attached with some type of spyware/malware.

Besides you infecting yourself, be aware of others who use your computer and set some rules. There is this one bitch I work with who just clicks on everything. She could get an email saying she won ten million bucks by being a Nigerian Bukaki Contest winner and she'd click all over that shit. Other people are the worst kind of security breach whether it's on your PC, or in your Growroom.. same difference. No one else has business being at or on either place IMO.


Well-Known Member
They come from many different places. Best thing to do or not to do..

Stay away from any websites you aren't familiar with. Sites that are big name corporate sites like CNN, WIKI, Google, Fox News, Walmart, Bestbuy, Etc you can presume as safe and can surf without thinking about it. Sites like these canna-sites and other Vbulliten forums are usually harmless allthough links posted in forums may not be. If you aren't familiar with the site always assume there will be some malicious code or script running in the backround, I do and I am very leary which sites I visit. Facebook apps and applets are a big no no unless you are certain the app you are using is not going to be malicious, only ever use apps you trust. Also some sites and pop ups actually advertise themselves as being spyware/virii cleaners and they themselves are malicious. Always use a pop up blocker. Downloading files or using Peer to Peer is a huge source of Virus and Trojan-Ware. Get yourself familar with which file extensions are safe and which are not if you download from Peer to peer services. Files like MP3, MP4, AVI, MKV, MPG, WAV. VOB, JPG, GIF, BMP...are safe non executable files that take no action. Files like WMV, MOV, EXE, COM, BAT on the other hand are not safe. Windows default setting is that file extensions are hidden. You may not even see the ending of a file. Example- ROLLITUP.JPG might appear as simply a file called "ROLLITUP" To unhide the extension so windows shows all extensions, follow this tutorial- HERE. <-- it's my number one pet peeve with windows honestly. Everyone should know and get used to what type of files they open. & one more tip, chances are if something is free.. a game, or an app there's a catch. Alot of "Free" bundled software comes attached with some type of spyware/malware.

Besides you infecting yourself, be aware of others who use your computer and set some rules. There is this one bitch I work with who just clicks on everything. She could get an email saying she won ten million bucks by being a Nigerian Bukaki Contest winner and she'd click all over that shit. Other people are the worst kind of security breach whether it's on your PC, or in your Growroom.. same difference. No one else has business being at or on either place IMO.
It has been a while since I have owned a pc, about 5 years but i am a network engineer and work with pc's all the time 5 days a week, imo they suck and are prone to virus's malware and trojans. since i work for dell we have one bad ass firewall so no one is getting through that sucker and all the laptops and desktops have norton (pro version).

Make sure your firewall is set to on, I know adaware use to be good at getting malware and spyware off your pc and if they ask for a key to install just do a search for a key generator for that program and you will find one its very simple. Second try doing a system restore you won't loose anything, and stay away from the registry if you don't know what you are doing you could fuck your entire system up messing with that. As far as system restore goes pc's usually do automatic back ups and you can set them to do it everyday so you open system restore under utilities and pick a date before you had the trojan or what ever it is and that usually fixes the problem if not get urself a good antivirus and buy a macbook pro for christ sake there are little to no viruses for macs people want to infect as many people as they can and most use pc's because they are familiar with them and can't afford a mac but trust me it is worth the money and with pc's you get what you pay for!

And he is right about who you let use your computer, set a password for it and make yourself the admin and then set up a guest account with limited privileges so they can't install shit and set ur pc so you have to use your password to install any program or make changes to your settings!