The Rat is back !


Active Member
I had a rat terrier , worthless little biting p.o.s. But i bet he would come in handy right now.

Hated that dog.


Well-Known Member
Clint, Roxy is a terrier right? What's happening? Usually you can't keep them away from rats, cats and mice.
She is a jack russell terrier , That's the thing i can't get Roxy away from it , I think she has had abit of rat tail acouple of times.
It just get's away from her , there's to much shit lying around my back yard , plus all the trees and such along the fence line.
I'm sure if there was no holes in the fence Roxy would have had rat for dinner long ago .


Well-Known Member
You are gonna need 1lb of black powder, a thick metal box of some sort, and a remote detonator. A pair of high end night vision goggles and a new BBQ might come in handy. Too stoned to remember where I was going with that, but I promise it will work. ;)


Well-Known Member
You are gonna need 1lb of black powder, a thick metal box of some sort, and a remote detonator. A pair of high end night vision goggles and a new BBQ might come in handy. Too stoned to remember where I was going with that, but I promise it will work. ;)
Hahahahah sounds like it would work a treat !
I'm getting ready now !
Rat 003.jpgRat 005.jpg

Poison it Clint before it gets 2m long! with 8 half meter long babies in it!
It's already 1 metre long , I tried to tackle the fucker to the ground but it dragged me along the ground and i got stuck in a prickle bush !


Well-Known Member

Bingo I have identified the species if rats as R.O.U.S. or Rodents of Unusual Size

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Back in the early 80's a Bayer pharmaceutical plant in the next town was working on grain enhancements for bigger cows.
It was rumored rats got into some of the feed and were the size of dogs over the years.


Well-Known Member
I got a Winchester 1886 45/70...... That rat wouldn't stand a chance.....

@sharky, yeh man rats can fit through holes the size of a quarter, they can skinny themselves right down... I saw one do this on a documentary....


Well-Known Member
I got a Winchester 1886 45/70...... That rat wouldn't stand a chance.....

@sharky, yeh man rats can fit through holes the size of a quarter, they can skinny themselves right down... I saw one do this on a documentary....
The rat can't fit through that mesh !
It is 1cm x 1cm sqaure !


Well-Known Member
You'd be really surprised..... They can unjoint some of their extremities iirc...

when I saw it on tv, I was saying to my dad no way can that rat fit. To my surprise..... My dad just smiled.... He was amazed too but was more wise than I ......

that was 30 years ago. Amazing I remember it so vividly.


Virtually Unknown Member
what you need to do now clint is to get one of those big rubber rats like they have at Holloween and bring it inside and scare the hell out of everybody!


Well-Known Member
*snickers* remembering Frank Burns on MASH, rat hunting with a plunger and a pillow tied to his chest... LOL! and the stupid trap he made.....

"First the rat enters the hole, sees himself in the mirror, steps in for a closer look, triggering the device to come down and tap him on the shoulder, he turns around and then..... WHAMO!"


Well-Known Member
Clint... dude you are killing me... how much did you spend on that trap???
I'm telling you, as a friend, you're pissing me off...!
snap trap and peanut butter, my friend.

trust me it's what I do


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Clint... dude you are killing me... how much did you spend on that trap???
I'm telling you, as a friend, you're pissing me off...!
snap trap and peanut butter, my friend.

trust me it's what I do
^^^^^^^^^ this is how my hubby and most sane citizens would do it.

Hahahahah sounds like it would work a treat !
I'm getting ready now !
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It's already 1 metre long , I tried to tackle the fucker to the ground but it dragged me along the ground and i got stuck in a prickle bush !
However, based upon this outfit I'm going with this .......

You are gonna need 1lb of black powder, a thick metal box of some sort, and a remote detonator. A pair of high end night vision goggles and a new BBQ might come in handy. Too stoned to remember where I was going with that, but I promise it will work. ;)
It's time to blow the BBQ. (don't use the night vision goggles when you hit the fuse)