The left is losing more and more young voters everyday

munch box

Well-Known Member
You're really just being a dick, IMO. Why dont you get to the point? You've failed to present a realistic scenario - or any scenario - in which the 9th does not go off the map. You can pick at the details all you want but that's the way it's set to happen - two seats will be lost and one of them will be the 9th.

NY has a supermajority in the house, they have the governorship and they may as well have the senate ITS FUCKING NEW YORK which means the political climate will not allow for Republicans to endlessly grandstand or they'll lose their jobs... Simple. They need a couple Republican votes, I bet they'll get them, especially considering that district is normally solidly Democratic; The 9th will not exist.

Also, it seems the DNC is very confident they'll get their way as well... They didn't spend hardly any money on that special election, you think they would hand over a normally solidly Democratic district if they didn't have something up their sleeves? That something is the redistricting... Like I said, the 9th will not exist in 2012.
You should put IMO after every sentence you type.