the leaves are curling under my plant


k so my plant is almost a month old and the leaves on one side of the plant are curling under. the other side is completely fine. i turn it fairly often so its not because the sun is only hitting one side of it. im not over watering it. it is also the most developed plant out of the 4 that i have, anyone have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
those leaves did not develop correctly due to lack of light.
^^^ how is the plant not gittin enuff light? the guy is growing outside for fucks sake. even if the plant is in shade all day it can still grow wit no problems it jus wont grow at its full potential. to the OP did u jus recently fertilized ur plant? sumtimes plants will do that around the new growth when u recently fertilize. dont worry usually itll straiten itself out when the leaf gits more mature. or it can jus b genetics that ur gittin these "crinkled" leaves


Well-Known Member
Occasionally you'll see some mutant growth like that and it's usually due to genetics. That being said, relax and keep growing, that leaf is nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
sorry, but its not a lack of light, like above said its probably your genes, maybe even something like pH (that twisting occurred right before my plant went into some major pH issues, but i think it was just coincidental timing).

also heard that it can happen under TOO MUCH light, but seeing as you are growing outside and its not unnatural, i highly doubt this is the case.


Well-Known Member
Did you do a recent transplant? It's possible that the roots were damaged and causing the one side to grow slowly. Just an idea. :)


GeeTee, i didnt really fertilize them, i did grind up a teespoon or two of hemp hearts(shelled hemp seeds) and add them to water to feed my 4 plants so they can get used to absorbing nutrients. i dont think it changed the ph because i added some dolomite lime to counter act it.


jawbrodt, yeah i did transplant it about a week and a half ago and it is a possibility that the roots were damaged, but they all conect to the stalk where the nutrients are brought up to the rest of the plant. and i think once the nutrients get to the stalk it doesnt really matter what side of the plant the roots are damaged on, it would slow the overall growth, not just a couple leaves. but thats just my take on it, i could be wrong. and i cant see it being genetics because i have 3 others of the same strain and they are all fine, so i dont know what it is