The color of my dreams


Well-Known Member
when you say you put it back in the grow room, does that mean it got light for all or part of that 24 hours? or does it matter?


Well-Known Member
when you say you put it back in the grow room, does that mean it got light for all or part of that 24 hours? or does it matter?
the lights came on, i trimmed a small lower branch and put in cup with dye, then put it back in with the plant it came off of. it started to turn blue within the first hour. i took it out the next morning.


Well-Known Member
Lets us know if you fly into space when you smoke that nuclear shit son!!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yeah right sure fdd we know you just photoshopped the picture made this thread and have a whole bunch of noobs soaking thier 3 grams in house paint causing a nation wide lead poisioning epidemic lol I do like the fruit loops ideas orr ohhh skittles soaked in the dye water to give them flavor tooo or even beter soak the stalks in melted ice cream for ice cream flavor there is no end to this madness of color and flavor delight!!! Your a mad man Fdd mad I say


Well-Known Member
Those Are Some Pretty Cool Looking Buds Right There!!! Looks Like Some Weed That Will Give Off That "bong Of Destiny Smoke"

Although I Don't Think I Would Buy Some Weed From Someone That Looked Like That!


Well-Known Member
my friends saw the red stuff i did last year, they all denied. not one person would even try it. i never tasted the coloring straight, maybe i should drink a little.

notice it was only one small bud.


Well-Known Member
I am trying this now. I have one in purple, yellow, and teal. Will start a new thread.


Well-Known Member
i smoked it.

DO NOT DYE YOUR WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT TASTE LIKE POO POO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it turned black and nasty and i dumped it out after 3 hits. blue pot is for smurfs.


Well-Known Member
i am going to do this with all colors of the rainbow, go out get foodsave vacuum jar canister and have all the colors of the top of the bud on display for decoration. Thanx fdd.


Active Member
Higha there...,

i did scientific investigations for a couple of hours now.., and i proudly offer you a simple and less expensive method (exclusively for rollitup) of coloring buds to any color you can even imagine, AND, it doesn´t do any harm to taste and effect of your rare stuff!!!!!

Peace, Martin