The Best RESPONSES Thread Ever! The vacpurge temporary memorial page.


Well-Known Member
Clearly VP can get a new address and avatar and return. I hope he does and plays nice enough to be able to stay.

His avatar took me right back to the early 60's boot camp at MCRD in California, which may give some insight as to why he collided with the early 2013 standards. Consider the mind set choosing such an avatar, and how it could easily get you in trouble on forums.

Definitely a man of his convictions and ready to to put his money where his mouth was, as he was one of the two brothers who donated money for BHO testing. My Ronson tests were in fact paid for by him and are in his honor.

I'm pretty sure we all understand that enough is enough, and after that point it is just too, too much and that we must all stand good for our actions.

VP is a bright lad, and now that he has had more time to consider cause and effect, TOS, and his options, I'm pretty sure he will pop up somewhere.
