tabaco and weed ? should i stop ?


New Member
its not gonna fuck with ya until 2 or 3 days from now.and then its about a month of total bullshit you'll be pissy and miserable but thats because your body needs it but dont give in after the urge goes away you will be free.

if you get an urge smoke a jay or even a few hits to fool yourself that your smokin.
by thursday all the nicotine will be out of your body and then its all mind games after that. keep yourself busy you can do this.
It's true one of my best friends smoked for 6 years then quit cold turkey... after a week or two he just kept saying he was so pissed (mind you this is a really nice dude) it's like he would get roid rage and want to always fight people.. But he hasn't smoked since man.. If this guy can do it anyone can.. you got this shit DWR


Well-Known Member
Yeah I can't lie I would hate to be on Natmoons bad side...I love vocabulary and this dude is crazy smart with words! (I am a writer) Had to look a couple up myself in IM's LOL!! Oh and I can't lie those comebacks made me crack up!!!! I gotta admit it. especially the "go drink some piss one"...See he wasn't supposed to know about my other threads, I kinda walked right into that one. But a true soldier admits when he has been defeated...And I must say I bow down on this one. Besides the guy is right.


Well-Known Member
when i gave up tabacco,it was only the first day i found hard!when i woke the next morning i didnt even feel to smoke!i just missed it after a meal or when i had a nice cuppa tea!my old man gave up,got some nicorette gum and 4 months later hes now smoking again and he seems to be addicted to the gum aswell!


New Member
Yeah I can't lie I would hate to be on Natmoons bad side...I love vocabulary and this dude is crazy smart with words! (I am a writer) Had to look a couple up myself in IM's LOL!! Oh and I can't lie those comebacks made me crack up!!!! I gotta admit it. especially the "go drink some piss one"...See he wasn't supposed to know about my other threads, I kinda walked right into that one. But a true soldier admits when he has been defeated...And I must say I bow down on this one. Besides the guy is right.

Just the words Drink & Piss in the same sentence is funny to me.. You two need to chill. I don't even know what your arguing about.


Well-Known Member
Long story short were not, and we took that shit to IM's, sorry bout your thread, dubya,

So yeah anyways,,,, I smoke tobacco but thats just because I love to smoke in general.... But look at smoking cigarettes this way,,, ,,if you don't die in an untimely fashion, cigarettes will kill you!!!!!! Now as for weed if anybody endorses the idea that weed is bad for you...Then shame on you, what are you doing on this site???? I love all shades of green! I once was lost but now Im found...This site contains some of the most intelligent people society has ever seen! (and yes my dear Pinky one day we will rule the world!!!!)