tabaco and weed ? should i stop ?


Active Member
inhaling any smoke is bad for you and will increase your cancer risk, tobacco, opium, weed, pollution, its all smoke. Tobacco has more chemicals than weed so its worse for you. Get a vaporizer or eat your weed


Well-Known Member
Natmoon, I don't know what you're trying to say with all those links, because all they say to me is 'maybe' some components extracted from the cannabis plant inhibit cancer proliferation or metastasis, but this is absolutely miles from saying smoking weed stops you getting cancer.

As for the stuff about jesus, it means nothing to me. I'm not a Christian, i'm not sure if I believe a guy called jesus existed, and I certainly don't believe he was capable of miraculously healing people, or walking on water for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Natmoon, I don't know what you're trying to say with all those links, because all they say to me is 'maybe' some components extracted from the cannabis plant inhibit cancer proliferation or metastasis, but this is absolutely miles from saying smoking weed stops you getting cancer.

As for the stuff about jesus, it means nothing to me. I'm not a Christian, i'm not sure if I believe a guy called jesus existed, and I certainly don't believe he was capable of miraculously healing people, or walking on water for that matter.
Thats your choice.
I am not a Christian either.
I only believe in the texts that Jesus wrote himself.
As for you being able to properly read any of the links that i posted in that amount of time just shows you up as someone who talks and talks and has no real information behind their convictions or opinions.
Someone who glances over a document and then goes bah this is shit,fcuk this crap,and forms an opinion with no knowledge.

The fact that i know full well that we have 90% or so unused brain capacity,an oil that does heal whether you like it or not makes no difference to you at all apparently as i have seen you post exactly the same recommendations of governments for extended and thorough testing before allowing any public or pharma use which basically equals another 20 years of prohibition before even medical users get full and proper support.

And before those who have mm cards start saying it is legal for them,you don't have proper support or legalization at all,you have to live in fear of the DEA coming to your home regardless of your state laws and taking your weed,equipment and or worse your whole home and selling it,as you know im sure under federal law:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thats your choice.
I am not a Christian either.
I only believe in the texts that Jesus wrote himself.
As for you being able to properly read any of the links that i posted in that amount of time just shows you up as someone who talks and talks and has no real information behind their convictions or opinions.
Someone who glances over a document and then goes bah this is shit,fcuk this crap,and forms an opinion with no knowledge.

The fact that i know full well that we have 90% or so unused brain capacity,an oil that does heal whether you like it or not makes no difference to you at all apparently as i have seen you post exactly the same recommendations of governments for extended and thorough testing before allowing any public or pharma use which basically equals another 20 years of prohibition before even medical users get full and proper support
I think it's rather unfair to call me a liar because i'm a fairly fast reader, and none of those articles was more than about an A4 side, don't you? I am fully trained to analyse scientific publications, as part of the degree I study, so I feel i'm well qualified to express my views.

You also mistake scepticism with refusal to believe. All I require to believe something is evidence, cold, hard evidence - not hearsay, not unreliable historical documents, not speculation.

I don't think that thorough testing before allowing the use of something, and thorough testing before recommending the use of it are the same. You seem to have missed the distinction. If people want to go ahead and take something because they think it will benefit them, fair enough - however to recommend this to others who don't know any better, without good evidence, is unethical.

I do believe in free will, unlike some governments, but I also believe that the vast majority of the population do not know how to decide for themselves whether a chemical has pharmaceutical benefits or not. It takes science to discover, collate and explain the evidence, and to check it's all safe for everyone's sake.


Well-Known Member
man, theres so many shit talkers on this website can't we all just love one-another??? Like you never formed an opinion before you had all of the facts Natmoon like when you said MJ has no convition..and least she read the stuff, isn't it MJ's right to have their own opinion?


Well-Known Member
man, theres so many shit talkers on this website can't we all just love one-another??? Like you never formed an opinion before you had all of the facts Natmoon like when you said marijuana has no convition..and least she read the stuff, isn't it MJ's right to have their own opinion?
Shouldn't you be somewhere else having sex with a tranny:mrgreen:

My disagreeing with people that form opinions based on no real knowledge at all is part of my right to my own opinion.
Just because your a yes person doesn't mean i have to be as well does it?

I have plenty of love to give to people but all i see is haters and teenagers following me around talking about things they know nothing of really and who are not prepared to read all of the facts given to them yet still choose to believe that they have a valid factual opinion when their opinion is biased and based on hearsay and bullshit they heard at school.

I will not be silent and just agree with you all,if i think you are wrong i will say so.
I said nothing offensive or degrading.
Sounds to me like you are the one who wants everyone to shut up and have no opinion if it doesn't happen to be the same as yours.

The only person that attacked anyone was in fact ILoveUMaryJane when he/she went straight after someone for saying that cannabis helps to control or stop cancer.
I also have no idea what convition means:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Natmoon, what is with all of these angry wordz, why??? What is a yes person? All I know is that it is very sad but very true that CBC treatment techniques won't be marketable for many years to come, in this case ethics will only slow the implimentation of a proven effective treatment option, and many people will continue to suffer because of this fact. However, I believe research ethics are still very important! Even though clinical trials will only slow the implementation of this treatment form. However, with something like cancer I would rather die quickly than slow the process. But that is just me and I think it is unfair that people currently suffering from cancer will probably die before they are treated and they will have to suffer through the only available treatment options.


Well-Known Member
Jeez, you know me better than myself, tell me what have I become??? Please tell me my identity yearns to see the light--I have been walking through life in the dark and your wisdom has helped me to see the light, you are my hero, my savior, and god. You are the ying to my yang, you know the answer to life and have figured out the great mysterious questions o holy one I will follow your righteous path. O great knower of all. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I would let you have me if you wanted

oh yeah the tranny aint here right now----LOL


hey DWR glad to hear you set a date to quit the hard part will be the first month. if you really want out of nicotine for good only you can do it now. smoke weed or leaf from your crop any thing else for the first few until the nicotine is gone from your system.

after that its all mind games 1 1/2 year later and i still get little urges but i would rather get that then go back to HAVING to smoke every hour.

one other thing to remember your weed will smell sweeter, your food will taste better and your girlfriend will taste better(honestly)


New Member
Ya and your fingers won't smell like ashtray.. that's the worst.. and you like always have to smell them to see if they still smell like ashtray lol


Well-Known Member
Jeez, you know me better than myself, tell me what have I become??? Please tell me my identity yearns to see the light--I have been walking through life in the dark and your wisdom has helped me to see the light, you are my hero, my savior, and god. You are the ying to my yang, you know the answer to life and have figured out the great mysterious questions o holy one I will follow your righteous path. O great knower of all. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I would let you have me if you wanted

oh yeah the tranny aint here right now----LOL
Maybe you should drink some more piss and see if you can find out for yourself.
I didn't ever claim to be anything more than a stoner that quotes.
Your pathetic efforts to turn me into a megalomaniac because i believe in Jesus and cannabises healing powers just shows you to be what you are.
I would rather be alone for all eternity than have sex with you:spew:


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how intelligent debate can degrade into a meaningless slanging match at the drop of a hat. If you enter a debate with a closed mind, you'll get nothing out of it but a misplaced sense of self-righteousness (As We1 seems to have noticed). I'm out


Well-Known Member
Natmoon did have one good line that crack' me up...

Shouldnt you be with a transsexual ? Rofl..... ^^

Anyways i have stopd smoking today ! It has been 2 hours now ;)


its not gonna fuck with ya until 2 or 3 days from now.and then its about a month of total bullshit you'll be pissy and miserable but thats because your body needs it but dont give in after the urge goes away you will be free.

if you get an urge smoke a jay or even a few hits to fool yourself that your smokin.
by thursday all the nicotine will be out of your body and then its all mind games after that. keep yourself busy you can do this.