T.V. Is Not Real


Well-Known Member
Yep! even the so call reality on tv is not reality.Everything is scripted then cuts to commercial break,consume,consume,CONSUME....throw away then consume more.Wear this,dress like this and that,act like this,talk like this,dance like that,it's all a method of control over everybody.A million channels of bullshit.


Active Member
yeah the tv is a brainwashing tool fortunate for us we can watch a variety of brain washing! Poor North Korea has like 2 channels lol


Well-Known Member
idk..........It felt pretty real when I put my foot thru a 32" flat screen last summer.


Active Member
After I googled to see why the prostitute i hired had a suspiciously "ballsacky" looking growth under her enlarged clitoris, I found out that Transvestites aka Tranny, TV, Ladyboy, shemale most definately are real. And I still have not received a refund


Well-Known Member
Mind control, the easiest way......
