SWAT Team Kills Two Dogs In Pot Raid


Well-Known Member
There is going to be an FBI investigation, the Mayor asked for it and got an answer back in a few hours. I don't know where he stand on MJ, he did mention that this could happen to someone that doesn't get the attention he will. VV


New Member
Honey, that shit has been going on since before your lifetime. I remember when nobody gave a flying fuck about seatbelts. Hell my grandparents owned cars that didn't have seatbelts in them.

Our rights have been being eroded for years and people have become complacent about it. For each right that is stripped away, the next right is stripped with a little less resistance.

Pretty soon we'll just lay down in the road and let them run right over us. :-(

[quote="SICC";1384070]i kno, wait untill they suspend our rights shit is goin down in our lifetime watch out[/quote]


Well-Known Member
That story had me in tears...how messed up was that??
I wonder how many other people this has happened to?
I hope something is done to those involved.
I felt so bad for the wife, you could see the pain in her eyes...