

Well-Known Member
suicide tip 1
slice up your wrist along the vein and you will bleed out quicker.

Tip 2
Buck up and buy a ham. No one likes a whiner.
what is the point of your post? im aware that cutting along the vein causes you to bleed out quicker. if you want to be an it somewhere else.


New Member
the problem is people like you feeding into things like suicide. People who talk about suicide are attention whores with no spine. Hows that for a point?
Either piss or get off the pot.


New Member
There are lots of active meditations like walking meditation among many many others. I can recommend a book to you if you would like, its really a really short easy read just PM me if you want the name of it. I also do a form of tantric meditation (no nothing to do with sex). "Tantra" is the secret path and may interest you if you are more agnostic.

Meditation can be great; personally, I find it constructive to be around water when I can to chill; sometimes within this setting and when not; going to the library helped to study; thus reading self help books and writing relative things; getting organized and staying organized despite what my desk and current living quarters may look like, I am organized as far as scheduling and bills and the likes go. I have even written three books designed to help the psycho-spiritual challenges of the times.

1. So keeping a journal
2. keeping a to do list
3. reading books that interest me (psychology, theology, philosophy, astrology, education)
4. helping others
smoking marijuana (the thing about this is that smoking it which believe it or not I can't remember the last time I did and it wasn't a dream probably over 8 months is cool, but doing it just to forget about your issues, problems, and/or challenges is not going to resolve the problem once and for all.

I found that knowledge and understanding of my core issues is more fundamental then anything "thus Knowledge is Power" and the Truth shall set you free" and "Life is 10% what happens to you ad 90% how you respond" I respond by seeking the truth and doing good and being just and obedient to the Virtue of God.)

I have this psychology book I kept from my social psychology class entitled “Unraveling the Mystery” the title to this book speaks volumes to me; because it really is about unraveling the mystery, knowledge and/or understanding is the only true and fundamental way to bring breakthrough and/or deliverance to your problem.

The more Truth you acquire the more immediate your revelation (knowledge) will be given; at least from my personal relationship with God that is the case. This is likely what Jesus means when he says “the Truth shall set you free”.


New Member
if i could smack you in the head right now i would. :evil: depression for most people is a chemical imbalance in the brain. faith and god cant fix that. medication is required. im not sure if the top of your post was directed at me or not...but im 22. and theres a full pic of my face somewhere in the "fat chicks wtf" thead. people who think that overcoming mental illness is a "mind over matter" thing need to stay out of it. unless you have personally experienced a severe mental illness, you have no place to talk. i have faith in myself and i have my own "religion" or whatever that i follow as a traditional witch. i dont need faith in any god because i grew out of having imaginary friends over a decade ago. while i do appreciate you taking the time to provide your form of advice, i feel that you dont really have a proper grasp on the severity of mental illness. not enough of a grasp to provide any really helpful advice.


"Nature / Nurture" and "classic conditioning" are two psychological terms that I would recommend you look up. I pose the question were you born blind or did you become blind by some natural and/or freak accident. The chemical and/or biological and/or physiological can tricky when it comes to the mind. The mind, as in our attitudes and behaviors can trigger various types of chemical reaction in our bodies and to that natural notion various nutrients that we get from the foods we eat and other foods in general possess nutritional/chemical elements that can more naturally supplement those psychiatric drugs that so many have become dependant on from their psychiatrist and even from the street pharmacist.

Thus, I am not sold on that fact that we need psychiatric drugs to deal with certain mental issues; I think that that’s the doctors’ who prescribe it in many cases the easy way out or a way to kept the money coming into their pockets. I would rather find some ancient African or Chinese natural nutritional remedy coupled with diligent research and knowledge and principle Truth seeking.


Well-Known Member

"Nature / Nurture" and "classic conditioning" are two psychological terms that I would recommend you look up. I pose the question were you born blind or did you become blind by some natural and/or freak accident. The chemical and/or biological and/or physiological can tricky when it comes to the mind. The mind, as in our attitudes and behaviors can trigger various types of chemical reaction in our bodies and to that natural notion various nutrients that we get from the foods we eat and other foods in general possess nutritional/chemical elements that can more naturally supplement those psychiatric drugs that so many have become dependant on from their psychiatrist and even from the street pharmacist.

Thus, I am not sold on that fact that we need psychiatric drugs to deal with certain mental issues; I think that that’s the doctors’ who prescribe it in many cases the easy way out or a way to kept the money coming into their pockets. I would rather find some ancient African or Chinese natural nutritional remedy coupled with diligent research and knowledge and principle Truth seeking.
I believe for the most part these drugs serve a compassionate purpose and I think it is ridiculous for anyone who has not suffered metal illness to say they are not needed. All drugs will be mis-used but to say they are not needed for someone who is suffering is an arrogant statement. I do agree that there are other forms of treatment for mental illness that should be used more but saying people don't need them is like telling a diabetic they don't need insulin. It is very possible that they can be fine by controlling their diet alone but we are talking about quality of life here. Many people are simply incapable or unwilling to try other ways to deal with their mental illness but that does not mean they should suffer needlessly. :peace:


Well-Known Member
the problem is people like you feeding into things like suicide. People who talk about suicide are attention whores with no spine. Hows that for a point?
Either piss or get off the pot.
how about this? your head clearly comes to a point u tool. i am NOT an attention whore. i hate attention. attention means hospitalization and i HATE hospitals. here i can talk freely about my thoughts and feelings without worrying that im going to be committed. heres a point for your stupid ass...people talk about these things on online communities for the anonymity of it. they can ask the questions they need and seek help from other people who experience the same things they're going thru. "piss or get off the pot"?! are you fucking kidding me. have some compassion you cold hearted bastard. how about you try helping people with positive re-enforcement instead of encouraging them to go thru with suicide. if you're going to be a jerk you can do it somewhere else. no one here is interested in the words of a moron whos brain is the size of a lego.


Well-Known Member

"Nature / Nurture" and "classic conditioning" are two psychological terms that I would recommend you look up. I pose the question were you born blind or did you become blind by some natural and/or freak accident. The chemical and/or biological and/or physiological can tricky when it comes to the mind. The mind, as in our attitudes and behaviors can trigger various types of chemical reaction in our bodies and to that natural notion various nutrients that we get from the foods we eat and other foods in general possess nutritional/chemical elements that can more naturally supplement those psychiatric drugs that so many have become dependant on from their psychiatrist and even from the street pharmacist.

Thus, I am not sold on that fact that we need psychiatric drugs to deal with certain mental issues; I think that that’s the doctors’ who prescribe it in many cases the easy way out or a way to kept the money coming into their pockets. I would rather find some ancient African or Chinese natural nutritional remedy coupled with diligent research and knowledge and principle Truth seeking.
yea im very familiar with the whole nature vs nurture thing, and conditioning. i actually find psychology to be incredibly fascinating as well. im pretty knowledgeable too, i tend to intimidate my therapists i think, cuz i only see the head psychiatrist now, lol. i have a feeling i scared the other ones cuz im smart like they i also totally agree with you in your other post about chilling out by water. i dont have anywhere at home to do that...but at my grandparents i like to sit by the beach and listen to the waves. i like to sketch sometimes to...and yea i totally keep a journal. i think tho that with treatment of mental issues, it requires a combination of medication and psychotherapy, and of course other things on the side that help, such as meditating and keeping a journal. although i do agree that doctors do push pharmaceutical meds too much, and natural medicine is something that i have been trying to look into a bit as well. i know that my one med does wonders for my anxiety problems, but other meds i've taken have been problematic. its trial and error. it takes time and patience...but some meds can help. im still looking for the right combo...but do you know of anything with natural medicine that i could try?


Well-Known Member
I tried to kill my self a year or so ago. I was just depressed and lonely. I swallowed a bunch of pills and was throwing up for a couple days. My parents still think I was just sick. Im more the type that doesn't tell anyone about my sadness or depression, I don't tell anyone of my plans for suicide. My friends and family would think I was fine and until I turned up dead. Since then i decided it was a very selfish way to run out on my problems, my family and friends would have been crushed for almost no good reason. If they didn't care, if they weren't there, or if it wouldn't make them sad I probably would have killed my self by now. I feel that if there is judgment after death by some God be it mine or someone else's, it would take everything into account. Your sadness, your pain, your happiness, what you have done to help people in your life, what you have done to hurt people. Sometimes the pain is just too great, sometimes the sadness is too great, sometimes it isn't really the persons fault, sometimes you just want to die.
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New Member
how about this? your head clearly comes to a point u tool. i am NOT an attention whore. i hate attention. attention means hospitalization and i HATE hospitals. here i can talk freely about my thoughts and feelings without worrying that im going to be committed. heres a point for your stupid ass...people talk about these things on online communities for the anonymity of it. they can ask the questions they need and seek help from other people who experience the same things they're going thru. "piss or get off the pot"?! are you fucking kidding me. have some compassion you cold hearted bastard. how about you try helping people with positive re-enforcement instead of encouraging them to go thru with suicide. if you're going to be a jerk you can do it somewhere else. no one here is interested in the words of a moron whos brain is the size of a lego.
Does sarah wara need a hug? Are her little sensitivities being hurt?

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"

positive re-enforcement --what the fuck am I, the dog whisperer? If the world dropped off all the whiners, the rest of us would flourish.

Now that you have called me names, I will respond.

I think the world has no place for those such as yourself. Stay at home with your people and do not tread where those that can stand on their own two feet go. Its little cry baby ass girls such as yourself that have made america weak and the rest of the world a cesspool. The shit smell from you and your kind will contaminate every area in which you visit.

If i told you to kill yourself, would you take it personally?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sarah wasn't whining...just trying to inject a point of view from the side of one whose been there, 40.I myself have been there. I don't tell anyone, but I have talked a little more openly on here about it, simply because none of you will ever meet me.While its true there are a lot of folks who use it to get attention, there are some who are genuinely afraid of what they're going to do.Did I tell anyone when I tried? No.But everyone is different.:peace:
Does sarah wara need a hug? Are her little sensitivities being hurt?

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"

positive re-enforcement --what the fuck am I, the dog whisperer? If the world dropped off all the whiners, the rest of us would flourish.

Now that you have called me names, I will respond.

I think the world has no place for those such as yourself. Stay at home with your people and do not tread where those that can stand on their own two feet go. Its little cry baby ass girls such as yourself that have made america weak and the rest of the world a cesspool. The shit smell from you and your kind will contaminate every area in which you visit.

If i told you to kill yourself, would you take it personally?


New Member
Sarah wasn't whining...just trying to inject a point of view from the side of one whose been there, 40.I myself have been there. I don't tell anyone, but I have talked a little more openly on here about it, simply because none of you will ever meet me.While its true there are a lot of folks who use it to get attention, there are some who are genuinely afraid of what they're going to do.Did I tell anyone when I tried? No.But everyone is different.:peace:
I have done it and succeeded, and they brought me back. I was a whiner that needed discipline and strength. maybe it is time to stop coddling, and to show tough love.


Well-Known Member
Does sarah wara need a hug? Are her little sensitivities being hurt?

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"

positive re-enforcement --what the fuck am I, the dog whisperer? If the world dropped off all the whiners, the rest of us would flourish.

Now that you have called me names, I will respond.

I think the world has no place for those such as yourself. Stay at home with your people and do not tread where those that can stand on their own two feet go. Its little cry baby ass girls such as yourself that have made america weak and the rest of the world a cesspool. The shit smell from you and your kind will contaminate every area in which you visit.

If i told you to kill yourself, would you take it personally?
if i told you to go fuck yourself would you take that personally?
go away. nobody gives a shit about what you think. 1) im canadian dipshit. 2) im not weak. the very fact that i am still alive proves how strong i am. you try living as a borderline psychotic with severe depression issues. you wouldnt last 5 minutes in my head. 3) im not being a cry baby. im openly talking about my issues to educate ignorant people like you who clearly have no idea what its like to be severely ill. im talking openly about this topic in the hopes of helping other people. i want other people to know that they arent alone, and give them the opportunity to talk to someone they can relate to. i think suicide is a tragedy. i struggle because im ill. other struggle because they're ill. not because they are cry babies. i think you're a jerk for making people feel worse about this. keep in mind...not all us crazies are always suicidal. sometimes i wanna kill other people. keep that in mind the next time you wanna call someone a cry baby. you might just end up as tomorrows headline.


Well-Known Member
if all you needed was "discipline and strength" you were not dealing with a severe illness. what i have is not something that you can just "get over". but good for you if you were able to rise above your troubles. just keep in mind that everyone is different and that some people are in much deeper water than you were. and its not a good thing to chastise someone for not being able to "buck up and get over it" the way you did.


New Member
I believe for the most part these drugs serve a compassionate purpose and I think it is ridiculous for anyone who has not suffered metal illness to say they are not needed. All drugs will be mis-used but to say they are not needed for someone who is suffering is an arrogant statement. I do agree that there are other forms of treatment for mental illness that should be used more but saying people don't need them is like telling a diabetic they don't need insulin. It is very possible that they can be fine by controlling their diet alone but we are talking about quality of life here. Many people are simply incapable or unwilling to try other ways to deal with their mental illness but that does not mean they should suffer needlessly. :peace:

I have compassion and empathy for all kinds of the least among us; I have first hand experience with people with psychological issues and as I said most if not all stem from emotional traumas and/or identity issues.

With this being said, it is likely safe to say probably for two years I was challenged by moderate depression, which then turn into mild delusion and possibly some schizophrenia without the hallucinations. However instead of turning to a psychiatric doctor I turn to God through Jesus Christ and ever since them my faith in seeking Him has delivered me one day at a time.

I never knowingly, took any drug except marijuana and some alcohol, particularly red wine and cognac (which is a form of wine). Instead of going to see a psychologist, because I had an honest desire to be psychologically advance I took college courses and keep my text to this day.

So as far as pharmaceutical drugs go, I stand on my previous position. I am sure that their is a nutritional supplement alternative that can easily replace such drugs if the Federal government would put more money into the research of the benefits of foods moreso then the research of chemical drugs.

Now, obviously, because of this pharmaceutical priority among most hospitals and doctors, if I were to ever get sick or injured anytime soon (particularly to the point that I couldn’t make my own decision) my option would be immediately limiting into natural alternatives and more rarely then I use marijuana these days do I use an Advil or aspirin when I get an occasional migraine, I am researching alternatives to that for the day when I can afford what I want.

Some I will continue to progress to that day when natural interventions will be all I need, God willing.

Ultimately, “to each their own”


New Member
Wow.Had no Idea.What method did you try, or is it too personal?
I took a massive amount of anti-psychotics and what i am pretty sure were tranqs.I cant remember their name. Respiradal(?) is the name of the anti-psychotic.
THere is no borderline for a personality disorder. Either you are or you are not.

Saying "i'm kinda crazy cant be true" Thats like i am kinda pregnant. Its only when i found it was allright to revel in my differences did I become okay.

Hey sarah, if i ended up as tomorrows headline, You'll still be a fruitcake.


Well-Known Member
I took a massive amount of anti-psychotics and what i am pretty sure were tranqs.I cant remember their name. Respiradal(?) is the name of the anti-psychotic.
THere is no borderline for a personality disorder. Either you are or you are not.

Saying "i'm kinda crazy cant be true" Thats like i am kinda pregnant. Its only when i found it was allright to revel in my differences did I become okay.

Hey sarah, if i ended up as tomorrows headline, You'll still be a fruitcake.
Not a very good comparison, once your pregnant your pregnant thats a fact. If your crazy you can have varying levels of mental disorders. You can have mild schizophrenia where you can still function in every day society, or you can have severe schizophrenia where you are at a complete loss of reality. so yes you can be "kinda crazy". Do you think people just snap and the mental disorders hits them full force and its always the same for everyone? I think your knowledge on abnormal psychology is limited at best. Most people are unstable when they are thinking of suicide, tuff love isnt the best approach. You can easily push them over the edge and then theres no coming back.


Well-Known Member
I took a massive amount of anti-psychotics and what i am pretty sure were tranqs.I cant remember their name. Respiradal(?) is the name of the anti-psychotic.
THere is no borderline for a personality disorder. Either you are or you are not.

Saying "i'm kinda crazy cant be true" Thats like i am kinda pregnant. Its only when i found it was allright to revel in my differences did I become okay.

Hey sarah, if i ended up as tomorrows headline, You'll still be a fruitcake.
I'm not sure what you're referring to, but there IS a borderline personality disorder. It's marked by impulsivity, anger problems, self destructive behavior, and identity problems. The book and movie Girl, Interrupted is about Susanna Kaysen's stay in a psychiatric hospital when she was diagnosed with it. Also you can be "kind of crazy". Mental illness is like a wide spectrum. The people who suffer from these illnesses aren't all the same, and thus, don't necessarily suffer at the same degree. It's not a clear cut thing. For instance, you can have mild, moderate, severe depression, it all just depends on the severity of the illness itself. Stop targetting people for things they can't help. Try and have some empathy, man.
Hitting people when they're already down, in my opinion, is one of the lowest, most pathetic things you could do as a human being.


Well-Known Member
Not a very good comparison, once your pregnant your pregnant thats a fact. If your crazy you can have varying levels of mental disorders. You can have mild schizophrenia where you can still function in every day society, or you can have severe schizophrenia where you are at a complete loss of reality. so yes you can be "kinda crazy". Do you think people just snap and the mental disorders hits them full force and its always the same for everyone? I think your knowledge on abnormal psychology is limited at best. Most people are unstable when they are thinking of suicide, tuff love isnt the best approach. You can easily push them over the edge and then theres no coming back.

Haha, you're awesome, Code. :) You just said exactly what I was trying to say, but it is articulated much better.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I ate Lithium.And FUCKING HORKED AND SHIT,all at the same time.
I took a massive amount of anti-psychotics and what i am pretty sure were tranqs.I cant remember their name. Respiradal(?) is the name of the anti-psychotic.
THere is no borderline for a personality disorder. Either you are or you are not.

Saying "i'm kinda crazy cant be true" Thats like i am kinda pregnant. Its only when i found it was allright to revel in my differences did I become okay.

Hey sarah, if i ended up as tomorrows headline, You'll still be a fruitcake.