Strain with 36% level OF THC??? IS THIS POSSIBLE?


So i run across with this site by googleing the strongest and hardest strains when i found on a forum somebody was recommending this from "BC Seeds"

They, the site says:
"We created the last 2 most powerful strains, Elephant and Upstate, all with great feedback from the cannabis community. The really good news is we have not stopped pouring resources in to R&D, and we have developed a very large yielding plant measuring a consistent 36% THC. It also has the best flavor and can grow in cooler climates. It's genetic evolution was painstaking and creates a buzz that lasts for over 8 hours using rare phenotypes for a perfect genetic combination"
(Click here to source
36% of THC? And last over 8 hours?

Also check out the other one from the same site that says some incredible stuff of their strains..:

As a newb i know that the highest thc strains is around 24-25 maybe at very extremly 27% of thc like white widow lsd headcheese trainwreck etc.
BUT IS THESE STRAINS REALLY POSSIBLE CONTAINS 36% OF THC Euphoria Unlimited and the Elephant Bud?

Just cuz it really sounds a very crappy sell-out to me i cant beleive it contains that high level of thc, but as i said im a newb.

So any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I doubt it bud I'm sure if there was any truth to that a lot more ppl would be working with it and until I smoke something that potent myself I wouldn't buy it past 25% thc myself cuz that's just false adv.


Well-Known Member
Do some research before posting, the seeds cost $995USD. So no, people wouldnt be working with it (only a very few rich ones, maybe)

That's why there no review on this stuff i guess, did anyone ever tried it?
you should practice what you preach!


Well-Known Member
Those seeds are $1,000 each! Is the government selling seeds now, is this some kind of Obamacare thing? I knew he was going to raise the cost of healthcare, but dayum.

Euphoria Unlimited
10 pack



New Member
Official lab reports and lab sources of the THC levels to confirm authenticity of the claims by the breeder?

No? Thought so.

Cheap marketing gimmick.


Well-Known Member
Seed Prices.jpg

After seeing these prices, I will never buy from them just out of principle. These people need to get raided.


New Member
I live in Australia at the moment. Most of the Marijuana supplied here is grown commercially by Asians, god-awful strains for highest yielding, no taste, barely any THC. The Asians will dilute raw chemical THC (Synthetic THC) with Acetone and spray it onto buds then allow the Acetone to dry out making the high stronger as it has pure THC in its chemical form, normally imported from Asia.

Marijuana quality in Australia is awful.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Do some research before posting, the seeds cost $995USD. So no, people wouldnt be working with it (only a very few rich ones, maybe)

That's why there no review on this stuff i guess, did anyone ever tried it?
You shuld buy it and sell 800 dollar clones


Well-Known Member
Those seeds are $1,000 each! Is the government selling seeds now, is this some kind of Obamacare thing? I knew he was going to raise the cost of healthcare, but dayum.

Euphoria Unlimited
10 pack


It is gay marriage, not the Affordable Care Act that is responsible for the price of those seeds. I believe the dramatic increase in the THC content is a result of a little known substance called Psantorumobertson. Monsanto created this in a cheap hotel room by crossing Pat Robertson and Rick Santorum. So I'm told


Well-Known Member
I live in Australia at the moment. Most of the Marijuana supplied here is grown commercially by Asians, god-awful strains for highest yielding, no taste, barely any THC. The Asians will dilute raw chemical THC (Synthetic THC) with Acetone and spray it onto buds then allow the Acetone to dry out making the high stronger as it has pure THC in its chemical form, normally imported from Asia.

Marijuana quality in Australia is awful.
yes in general it is. I am 4th gen aussie lol


Well-Known Member
I just sent them a nice letter scolding them for their bad behavior.

I have seen seed prices on your site that frankly, are so high I took the time to email you. A seed for nearly a grand? Really? As an issue of general principle, I will not only refuse to do business with you, I am going to mention you and your seed price to every smoker I meet and every forum I go on. I sincerely hope that you get raided.


New Member
I just sent them a nice letter scolding them for their bad behavior.

I have seen seed prices on your site that frankly, are so high I took the time to email you. A seed for nearly a grand? Really? As an issue of general principle, I will not only refuse to do business with you, I am going to mention you and your seed price to every smoker I meet and every forum I go on. I sincerely hope that you get raided.
Submit a report to their host (i linked it in my previous post) and submit a report to their domain provider. They'll have everything seized and stop doing business.

I just ordered some Tutankhuman from Pyramid seeds, they are supposed to be at 33%.

I heard about that stuff too, i would like to hear some experiences from anyone that ever smoked Tutankhuman. Im obsessed with getting knowed the strongest strains