Stop these rat bastards! [BILDERBERG]


Well-Known Member
:evil:We must stop these bastards. call fox news, cnbc, msnbc, cnn. Make them cover this damn story!
Russia today is covering, pretty sad russia based media is more honest and factual than the lame stream shit.
Yea right, these pigs have nothing to hide.
Call all the lame stream media outlets, and demand they cover these parasites!:twisted:


Well-Known Member
posted the same thing in toke n talk, black briefcase, general marijuana growing, politics, and introduce yourself.



Well-Known Member
we'd think alot more of you and give your stuff a more serious look if you didnt post it 4 or 5 times. This is the only place appropriate for your thread. stop spamming the rest of the site. You've done a great disservice to whatever it is your trying to say. No one is going to take you serious since you spammed it all over.


Well-Known Member
I didn't go look. I think I don't like that news guy.

Is he the same one that went after Weiner>?


Well-Known Member
Rather important so maybe, "i" by your opinion over did it. By my opinion, there isn't really too much you can do to get the word out.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough, but youve also got to consider those who you are trying to sways thoughts on it as well when trying to do so. we dont like spam winning us over by spamming the site isnt a good battle plan. i understand you want people to pay attention and consider your ideas, but youve actually hurt more than helped by posting the same thread in multiple forums.


Well-Known Member
Is he Lobbying support?
nope, he is spamming. this has nothing to do with "introducing yourself" or "general marijuana growing".

at least you have the common sense to keep things in the right place. oh, and also, you can use words instead of posting 15 minutes of videos without explaining a damn thing.


Well-Known Member

oh, enlightened one. deliverer of truth.
Again debate tactic point out typos.
Also rationalize things in a 360 degree direction and spin off into fairy tale land.
You can go on thinking they are all alex jones in the video, but only two of the videos are with him speaking.


Well-Known Member
Have the mods reduce the threads to one..

Problem solved.. Called Merge Threads..


Well-Known Member
Here if you need an explanation for what im trying to get across listen to this guy. If you dont care, dont watch, or bother to comment. Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
He pointed out his own typo and corrected it.

Not only have you posted this thread in multiple plces you post the op in other threads that have nothing to do with this topic.

You are spamming, and spamming is bad news here.