Stop Canadas Cruel Seal Hunt

jeff f

New Member
lots of people depend on seals for survival and have done so for probably thousands of years. seals arent endangered and actually are very invasive if left unchecked (unclubbed ;-))

personally i would love to club a seal if it meant i could eat and keep warm. unfortunately seals dont live near me.

maybe i could club a squirrel or something. i am gonna have to put some thought into this. what can i club, then skin, then eat that lives near me?

btw i was a trapper when i was a kid. we had to trap stuff like coons, opossums, fox, then we would club them. pretty fun actually. unless we used drowning traps. but then the animal, usually beavers or muskrats, is dead by the time you get there. kinda ruins the fun. ever had rabbit fur gloves or hats? wonderfully warm and cozy.


Well-Known Member
It's a really shitty reflection of humans as a species that many of us kill living things for recreational purposes.
Feeding your family, following your cultural heritage, wild life management & making a living aren't really the same as killing things for recreational purposes now is it. Gunning down kangaroos at night in the outback with lights. now THAT's killing for recreational purposes.

People need to realize life isn't fun. LEts all be apes. You think wild predators (i.e. Polar bears) kill their prey neat & quick? Have you ever SEEN National Geographic shows?

Go be a vegan.. Lettuce doesnt scream when you cut it & eat it.

jeff f

New Member
lol ok reading some of the comments, are you even a human? no empathy at all?

probably wouldn't feel a thing if we made a sport batting your babies heads in and making a necklace out of their fingers.

Theirs been petitions for farm cruelty aswell not just this... Now is around the time they have this fun time batting seals. We could sustain ourselves without killing/eating any animals but thats a whole other topic. Some people are nature/animal lovers and some are not.

i am a nature and animal lover. most vegetables are delicious and any meat tastes better when served with onions or mushrooms. i simply love them

kush fario

Well-Known Member
lol ye humans need controlling the most there are some invasive fish species that are causing some troubling dammage like the bullseye snakehead or basicly all the snake headfish that are in america there going to make the ammazing aligator garr extinct


Well-Known Member
Someone get me a club, I want some gloves and boots and a jacket and a hat....MMMM seals