Stop Canadas Cruel Seal Hunt


Well-Known Member
i do think we have to be responsible about it, at one point we almost knocked out several species b/c of hunting.....

but if your a hunter who likes going out and killing a deer, keeping the antlers, and eating the meat... go ahead....

i'll get it at the butcher shop or something....

and i truly despise a lot of these 'green' guys that yell at people who use all-natural fur coats while wearing spandex biking shorts, nylon 'active-wear', and plastic 'barefoot shoes'.... give me a break.....


Well-Known Member
It's those eyes!

I agree we are not very kind to our chickens either but California has made it a law to give them more room to live.

One thing that is different yet has the same result is our meat industry follows an approved method of slaughter which is deadly but is not the experience of being clubbed to death.

True that Fur trade has been going on for years and true people are basically compassionate.
Good thread!


Well-Known Member
Im canadian & I support the seal hunt. (OWCH! STOP THROWING SHIT!)

I love animals, don't get me wrong but the reality is they have to club them so the fur doesn't get wrecked. It looks far worse than it is because their cute & fuzzy. You want to see horrors go check out a meat processing plant. You know they club cows? Electrocute pigs, hang upside down & slice the throats on the chickens.. I guess pigs, chickens & cows aren't so cute so nobody cares about them. :) damn tasty though.

I wrote an article for CBC years ago about the seal hunt when they stopped it back in the 80's. They ran into a problem. Grey seals were starving to death because there was too many of them.

The solution was to shoot them (Im NOT kidding,, you can look it up) with birth control darts. People unemployed, seals starving to death, cod stocks GONE because of first over fishing & THEN way too many seals for the cod to make a come back.

Remember, a lot of those people who do it are native american inuit that have been doing it for generations. Most are very controlled & humane but they get the odd video of some idiot whacking the shit out of this baby seal while the mommy appears to be screaming & crying. I wouldn't do it, I don't like to watch it but I understand the reality of it. Anyone who tortures an animal OR person should have their nuts cut off. But remember it is a business & they have a vested interest in killing the animal quick & efficiently. When you see that asshole in the videos he is just that.

To be honest, I think they should market the meat. I don't like the fact that some people kill them just for the furs now, but once again its been their culture for centuries & I would certainly like to at least TRY a seal steak. Watched Survivorman eat some seal eyeballs once. Described it as Ice Cream for the locals. Not my cup of tea.

Wow.. this should elicit a few interesting responses..


New Member
i tell you ernst i come from a butcher family here lets do some math i used to slaughter 6000 hogs 2 times a week other and 3700 cows other days crazy huh
chickens 32,000 a week turkeys 36,000 thats a week my friend of course its a slaughter house now calculated over a year


Active Member
So let me get this straight:

Mass farming of cattle and chickens, who are caged from conception to slaughter is somehow okay but killing an animal who has lived freely in the wild, passed on its genetic material to the next generation and will now provided for a people whose way of life has been robbed is somehow morally terrible.

Figure it the fuck out
lol ok reading some of the comments, are you even a human? no empathy at all?

probably wouldn't feel a thing if we made a sport batting your babies heads in and making a necklace out of their fingers.

Theirs been petitions for farm cruelty aswell not just this... Now is around the time they have this fun time batting seals. We could sustain ourselves without killing/eating any animals but thats a whole other topic. Some people are nature/animal lovers and some are not.


Well-Known Member
i do think we have to be responsible about it, at one point we almost knocked out several species b/c of hunting.....

but if your a hunter who likes going out and killing a deer, keeping the antlers, and eating the meat... go ahead....

i'll get it at the butcher shop or something....

and i truly despise a lot of these 'green' guys that yell at people who use all-natural fur coats while wearing spandex biking shorts, nylon 'active-wear', and plastic 'barefoot shoes'.... give me a break.....
I know isn't it the truth? I am a Walmart democrat. I should avoid walmart but it has everything at low prices but for sure on the other end of that cheep shirt is some person working 12 hours a day for less than $20.

In the case of seal fur? I think we can get by.. And yes there is a need for wildlife management in some areas.
The Grey Wolf is now under the gun again in the USA.

I wonder what the Seal would do to us if it could? Perhaps they get their chance in the After life?

Interesting thought.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
It's a really shitty reflection of humans as a species that many of us kill living things for recreational purposes.


Well-Known Member
i tell you ernst i come from a butcher family here lets do some math i used to slaughter 6000 hogs 2 times a week other and 3700 cows other days crazy huh
chickens 32,000 a week turkeys 36,000 thats a week my friend of course its a slaughter house now calculated over a year
I know. It's a good topic.

I think we find solice in knowing their end is quick and as painless as we can make it.
I worked in the Turkey processing plant here. The blood tunnel is macabre.
We would all become vegetarians if we knew we would be clubbed to death in heaven by seals.


bud bootlegger
lol ok reading some of the comments, are you even a human? no empathy at all?

probably wouldn't feel a thing if we made a sport batting your babies heads in and making a necklace out of their fingers.

Theirs been petitions for farm cruelty aswell not just this... Now is around the time they have this fun time batting seals. We could sustain ourselves without killing/eating any animals but thats a whole other topic. Some people are nature/animal lovers and some are not.
you won't find a bigger animal lover then myself, but i tend to agree with the person your quoting.. it has nothing to do with compassion.. they are saying what about the compassion for the hamburgers we eat daily, the chicken's that makeup our chicken tenders. the pigs that make up our sausages, etc?? why only compassion for seals?? because they are cute and cows are ugly and smell bad?? that is just inane...
it would be a completely different world if we all had to catch and kill our own food.. as a society we have become so far removed from the actual killing that goes on to supply us with food that we have forgotten what is involved to get food from the field to our plates..


Well-Known Member
I can see it now. Canadian McDonalds - "Hey kids, our new happy meal choice is a seal meal. And if your a good boy and eat all those seal nuggets, we wrapped up the nose for you to play with afterwords." LOL



Well-Known Member
Here you go PETA

kush fario

Well-Known Member
pigs are filthy animals but they still dont deserve thata and as to the seal thing letter fuckin sent! the single largest slaughter of marine animals must stop ASAP!!!


Active Member
Here you go PETA

ya take this PETA, I heard dog meat tastes really good

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
So first they call the dude a sicko because he hit the seal so many times and than it claims that a large amount of them are skinned alive. Maybe he doesn't want to see the animal suffer and has a good work ethic. I think we as humans have a responsibilty to contol wildlife populations only because we have already done so much damage to it that w/out our interference, many would die out and others would get too big. I worked in a reptile store and I had to kill rats and mice all day. I ad no problems doing it because rodents are food for the reptiles I love and there's a reason rodents breed so fast, because they are supposed to die. Now does that make me cruel because I chose one animal over another, I don't think so? Everybody is always after these hunters who are just doing there job, and as long as they follow regulations then I can understand the necessity of the job they do. IMHO, I'm more worried about the earth's plant populations which have taken 100s of years to grow and then being chopped down without any concern for the future of the species. Deforestation is probably causing more harm to animal populations than regulated hunting.


Active Member
what about controlling our own population? we do more harm to the planet then seals.

Theres killing for sustainence and then theres killing for stupid shit. Your not gonna see much disturbance over reptiles eating mice and rats lol.


New Member
have any of you gone to a animal shelter lately ????
you wanna here a horrific storey well every year i support them by goin there and buying straw for my dog houses so i walk in
pay for it they said drive around back and someone will be there , Ok so i do just that as i am sitting behind the business for like 15 mins still know one showing up i think fck this so i walk in the back door, and low and be hold i see 4 freezers 2 of them marked for universitys others disposal
so as any person would do i open it and low and behold 1000's of frozen dogs and cats i asked someone WTF is this he said there so much animals coming in we only allow 1 week for them to find a home the freezers marked universities are headed to the younger generations of veternarians to carve up others goin into the oven

we all sit here and say wow look at all them slaughters of different animals yet we are doin nothing to the homeless in our own country are we not clubing them sorta in the head as well ???


New Member
what about controlling our own population? we do more harm to the planet then seals.

Theres killing for sustainence and then theres killing for stupid shit. Your not gonna see much disturbance over reptiles eating mice and rats lol.
actually we need population control its called world wars and beleive it or not were do for one actually we need one