Stinkbud's student System started.


Well-Known Member
If your light heats up and you have to move it because it burns then move your lights up. Best test around! 100 is way way way to hot. Your water temp has got to be around 90 degree's, Just leave some fans open for now you don't have to seal the room unless you get co2 other wise you are starving them of fresh co2


Well-Known Member
How many days from seed are they now? IF they are 3 weeks old you are good to start. I also had rapid rooter plugs and was able to start nutes at day 18, at first they grew kinda slow for 3 days then they took off like rockets!


Well-Known Member
How many days from seed are they now? IF they are 3 weeks old you are good to start. I also had rapid rooter plugs and was able to start nutes at day 18, at first they grew kinda slow for 3 days then they took off like rockets!
they are only 14 days... anyways i added nutes last night i woke up this morning and 4 of the seedling's leaf have yellow spots...

Will they heal and turn green again?


Well-Known Member
they are only 14 days... anyways i added nutes last night i woke up this morning and 4 of the seedling's leaf have yellow spots...

Will they heal and turn green again?
what ppm did u start them at? they look kind of small for 14 days.. are u using tap water? if so whats the ppm of the water alone? i was having this problem when using tap water.. changed to RO water and no problems like this again..




Well-Known Member
Don't start them at 1000PPM. That's INSANE.
Yea, after I recommended 1/4 strength and I think someone after me mentioned it too. When I saw he started at 1000, I though wtf, did he think 4000 was normal? :-?

This seems to happen with new growers a lot here huh? They ask for advice, given good advice then not follow it. Sometimes it seems they don't read the responses. What was that thread I read when I first came to RIU, a new grower did everything wrong and continued to not follow advice but his own plan when everyone told him to start over? I wasn't just fucking hilarious, but it really was educational. The advice given to the guy, although not followed, was pretty good generally and the problems he had by not following suggestion were predicted correctly by the more experienced growers. I know I learned a lot and thought it should've been stickyd. I think there was some controversey that he was a sock puppet though of a more experienced grower. If anyone knows what thread I'm talking about, can you link it, I can't find it in my history and I'm so fucking high right now I can't remember if we ever found out the truth or if he ever came back after his last disappearence.