Start to Finish SOG Purple Kush Do It Yourself Hydro grow


Well-Known Member
OK so here is the start. I am reusing an area that was already set up. Here is the room half way torn down.
That's a 1000W High Pressure Sodium light, with exhaust fan blowing heated air through ventilation and out a half open window. I didn't like the spread I was getting from the hood, and the room could have been slightly larger. I am going to be installing a do it yourself Hydro system. I will write more about that later though. I am going to get back to work and post more later



Well-Known Member
I took everything down, scrubbed the shit out of materials and the room, shampooing and everything. I altered the spread of the hood to be more suitable (which you can see in the fifth pic). With summer coming I added a window A/C unit, and also connect the room to the houses central air/heat vent (which you can see in the first picture). I put in a fake wall for insulation, and to reduce light loss. The grow area is 7'x7', the hydro box will be simple, and will have two functional set ups. First step is Ebb & Flow, which you will see soon. I moved the position of the light, as well. Lots more work to do before the rooms ready.

This is also all about a cheap way to do your own hydro, cheap simple, dank ass nuggets, :). I have gotten way better nugs the cheap way, than by spending tons of money.



Well-Known Member
Put a cool tube on that 1000w and it will help cool things down. You can get one on ebay or craft store cheap and DYI it on the light. Its hot where you live and you need to use everything to keep it cool in there to do hydro.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Put a cool tube on that 1000w and it will help cool things down. You can get one on ebay or craft store cheap and DYI it on the light. Its hot where you live and you need to use everything to keep it cool in there to do hydro.:blsmoke:
The exhaust fan is there still. I used the room during the winter by bringing cold air in through the window. my temps stayed good over the winter. I will run tests and mess with anything I need to in the next few days... Im trying to spend like no money.


Well-Known Member
The exhaust fan is there still. I used the room during the winter by bringing cold air in through the window. my temps stayed good over the winter. I will run tests and mess with anything I need to in the next few days... Im trying to spend like no money.
Do you still live where you did last year? If you do the winter temps are bearable but in the summer its frickin hot and your indoor temps will get high even without the light. What I was sayin is that you can add this inexpensive piece of glass to your light, hook up the vent tubing to it and it will greatly reduce the added entropy to your room from your light. Hence less air con needed and less $ spent on A/C. How you going to keep those res temps down? Anyway Ill be watching your grow


Well-Known Member
I turned on the light and ran it earlier today with the set up as it was. It stayed 62 degrees. The window A/C has a built in thermostat to help regulate temperature. If temps start to rise as things progress than I will probably add a DIY cool tube. But with the amount of work I have going, plus all the work I am doing on my outdoor grow, I am trying to do only what I need to. If the A/C ends up on constantly, I will probably add a cool tube, but only after I mover the exhaust fan closer to the bulb.


Well-Known Member
here is the room half way complete. The light is on, and I am running temp/humidity tests in the room. Temp and humidity is holding perfectly, and I am not even running the central A/C yet, so when that does come on this summer, it will probably be perfect as well. I have been working on completely sealing the window from sunlight from the outside. As you can see, I lined the table with black plastic, and put in a drainpipe (that is adjustable for easy draining). The drainpipe drains out into a lower resevoir. I ran a leak test on the table and found two leaks in the black plastic (the duck tape in the middle), I am going to have to line the whole table with another 2 layers of black plastic before it will be leak proof. In the fourth picture you can see the empty tubs under the table, that is for the second functional part of the hydro system which will come later, for now, after adding a couple of layers of plastic, the table is finished (also note it is sloped to the side with the drainpipe). The light is directly above the center of the table, and the table is in the center of the room. I am going to put three shelves on three sides of the table to turn the whole room into a kind of flowering stadium. I should be able to fit 25-30 plants in the table that can reach 2 ft tall (mostly lollipopped SOG) and 6-8 inches wide, using ebb and flow to start, then switching to a DWC. I might wait to do DWC for the next grow. Im not sure yet. The plants surrounding the table will be in soil in one gallon pots. I still need to finish lining the walls with reflective material, add the plastic to the table, put the three shelves in, and run more tests. :). I feel like the hardest part is over though, :)



Well-Known Member
I still need to finish lining the walls with reflective material, add the plastic to the table, put the three shelves in, and run more tests. :). I feel like the hardest part is over though, :)[/quote]

I know what you mean I still have a hella lot of work to do for the outdoor 09 grow. I try to do something every weekend to keep moving forward. Your room looks like its shaping up for production. How is your outdoor area going?


Well-Known Member
No offence brah, but i would redo that black and white poly you have on the walls and around your hood it looks Terry Badshaw.

Wont it start blowing all over and shit, falling down ect. Might just be me but i would go nuts if i had to look at that daily.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't look so bad in person. Its just the camera angles and the lighting. Like I said the room is half way finished. There is still a lot for me to do. I don't expect to put any plants in there for another two weeks. I got white duck tape, and still have more reflective material to put up. Everything is ducktaped, tacked, or hanging on hooks. Everything is stable enough to survive a decent little earth quake, and is burdened by less than half of the weight maximums allowed for the hangers. So the fans don't blow anything around. Once the plants go in, it doesn't matter what it looks like from the outside. The plants should love it. I am going to take 45 clones tonight, and pack as many in there as I can. I will split it, SOG Purple Kush, and the plants in soil will probably be Sensi Star. We will see how it goes, like I said still have two weeks to finish the room. And I have a huge outdoor project going as well, so that is taking up a lot of time, with working all the time and all and being a responsible adult etc. The wall linings will get fine tuning at the end right before the plants go in. Most people don't post the construction of their room, all the tools etc. will be gone, and it will be a healthy happy plant environment, :)... thanks for your input, though, feel free to comment on the progress, :).


Well-Known Member
I sent the message.

I am about to take the clones that will go into the room. The SOG will be surrounded by slightly larger plants,:). I will have both Purple Kush and Sensi Star in there for this run. Here is some pics of the mothers before watering... ehh, ....



Well-Known Member
I took 30 Purple Kush clones last night while RIU was down. I need to go mist them. They should be rooted in 7-10 days, so my room needs to be finished in 7-10 days. I am going to veg in there so I don't have to move so many plants around so often. when they go in it will be 18/6 for three weeks, or until I decide they are big enough, and then 14/10 and 12/12. Just got to finish lining the walls, and finish lining the outside of the box with reflective materials, ;).


Well-Known Member
Also, if the temps get too hot during the summer, I will make me exhaust shorter, its only 3 ft to the window from the light, and right now its going through a ventilation tube that 15 ft long to get out the window (the ventilation tube is not inside the growing area). If it gets too hot, I will cut it shorter, so the hot air leaves faster...


Well-Known Member
Of the 20 clones I took, only 15 are going in this indoor SOG, the rest are going outside. I am going to take more clones this evening, and decide how/where they will go later (I think Im going to take primarily Sensi Star clones tonight, :) ). And I think I am going to put Sensi Star plants around the PK SOG too... like 15 of them in 3-5 gallon pots, :). I fixed the leaks and ran tests, leak proof :), finished lining the walls with mylar and ppoly plastics. I am going to block off the window from outside next, so no light goes in during dark time. I also have the shelves up for the Sensi Star plants that will go around the SOG. They will be in soil, and will go in in sets of five every other week after I start flowering the SOG.

I am thinking about splitting the clones 8/7 for vegging under HPS, or fluorescents to compare which I prefer. I am guessing the fluorescents will win out for the veg. That and I just got my 400W MH working, I just need a new bulb, so I will use that later, like next month.

Note: All equipment was free with exception of new hortilux 1000W HPS BULB and duck tape. I am currently trying to get coco pebbles or similar for hydro SOG for free... if not, I might have to pay for some or something similar, or just use soilless hydro mix like FF instead (which I would have pay for as well).


Well-Known Member
ok, got 30+ used 1 gallon pots. And I am going to try something new to me.... I'm creating my own medium for this grow.... 1/3 seedling starter.... and 2/3 perlite. It was 30 clones I took the other day, and I haven't taken any since. And probably 25 of them will go in the SOG (I need to speed things up a bit). Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, biobloom, thrive alive B1, and a tiny bit of superthrive everytwo weeks. I had a spider mite problem over the winter, so I scrubbed the hell out of everything (mild bleach and water), and before I put the plants go into the room I am going to spray the whole room down with garlic barrier, and rub neem oil around the tabletop. I will post pics a little later tonight, plants should go in there this time next week.


Well-Known Member
ok... I am prepping to get things underway... with the shelves set up and the table ready, everything is just about ready to go... so here's some picks of the 80% finished set up..... I decided to add a bag of FF OF to the soil mix for shits and giggles (well really...) Im going to go take some clones, and take some pics of the clones.....

