Sour Deez in my closet


Active Member
Good info X - sounds like a nice regimine.

I definently need to start learning that stuff!! Did you ever use generic fertilizers before swtiching to the FF line? I think grow big and tiger can be closely replicated by a generic (at least their n-p-k's) however big bloom with those tiny #'s... I've never seen anything like that at a hardware store/garden center. Is it just watered down (and you have to use a lot of it?). I've read a lot of debates on people saying it needs to be watered down to keep the different nutrients from (in lesser words) fighting with eachother and breaking down.
I started out using Miracle Grow Organic garden soil with promix, blodmeal etc etc and it worked nicely, I'll throw in a pic of her at the end. Then I moved on to Jack's Classic powdered nutes ($5), which didn't work out too well for me as a brand new grower. I was using some crappy pelletized lime that was 95% clay among other critical errors. Jack's Classic actually gets a lot of good rep, if my options were limited I'd certainly give it another go.

The Big Bloom is earthworm castings and guano. It's basically an organic tea that promotes a healthy, biologically active soil. I'm sure it can be replicated for a few dollars, but I'm not that savvy.
Guano contributes more than its share of nutrients to the soil. Both the bat and seabird guano are an exceptionally rich source of natural nutrients that supplies many beneficial enzymes and bacteria, large amounts of minor and trace minerals as well as being high in nitrogen and phosphorus.
You know me, I'm TRYING to some cash through my first grow. Not always possible though is it. :) Whats up with the aerated tap water - leech the chlorine/etc out a little quicker plus keep the water moving so nothing grows on it? With mine and your basements as they are I bet our whole house atmospheres are similar. A dish rag last like 2 days max on the counter before it starts to smell a little moldy. :(

LOL, I got my hands on 2x 3 gallon jugs with handles, a bit smaller than 5 gal and easier to handle. I started keeping them full and aerating for when I needed water just because I got tired of buying distilled and r/o water from walmart.

So one day I only emptied one of them, the other one had been aerating for at least 3 days. Filled it up with the hose and noticed a huge difference in smell between the two. I was really surprised, I don't drink my tap water anymore because I don't know what the fuck is in it, but it seems to be doing well for my plants. I think the aeration has multiple benefits, adds o2, evaps chlorine, prevents algae.

Hey man, I want to thank you for giving me an idea. You mentioned in another post that you were going to add bloodmeal as a nitrogen supplement to your ocean forest and my dumb ass was like "oh yea, I have a bag of bloodmeal" DING DING DING
lol peace :leaf:



Active Member
I must have missed your post, sorry about that.

I do have cal-mag but I didn't think I needed it with the lime + tap water + nutes. I bought it when I was using distilled water and no lime but I couldn't find my balance so I switched back. I should probably give them a light dose but like I said, I don't trust myself with it. What would you suggest as a light regimen?

Are you not using any kind of cal/mag with what you have?I understand ya got lime in your FFOF.Even with lime in the mix you may still need to sup here an there with a cal/mag product,besides it's good to keep some in the corner for those just incase moments.
Update: the fabric growbag has surprised me, the little half-dead clone has passed up the rest of them and is growing fast. I've had to clip her down twice to keep the canopy even.

My theory on why they grow better is because the roots have more surface area in contact with the soil instead of the plastic sides of a pot. When the roots grow through the fabric they get airpruned causing the plant to send out more roots, resulting in a more fibrous rootball. I let my plants get rootbound all the time, but I'll be interested to see this rootball after 3 or 4 months of veg.

The results have motivated me to flower in actual 5 gal growbags. After dealing with Hydro Wholesale and their apparent misrepresentation, I'll be picking up a yard of felt and making my own big ass growbags. Here's the DIY thread on it, props to Purplerhino



Well-Known Member
"I" would go light if you do,3 ml is what "I" would use bein you do have some lime in the mix also.Enough to help but not really enough to do any harm.

Girl in you DIY pots lookin good.


Well-Known Member
Lookks great bro. I love sour d. One my fav strains to grow.. last harvest of my sour d I got the biggest yeild I've ever had (almost 8 p's from 4000w). Amazing qaulity and huge cholas! They were about 6 feet tall when I chopped them down. Can't wait till u harvest urs


Active Member
Great pictures brother! Thats one of the Sour D's right there? (You've posted a bunch of other pics in here I beleive) That sure is one of my favorite strains.

I like your root theory. I took your suggestion back a few weeks ago and instead of sowing my seeds in cups I just did them right to half gallon containers. I should have transplanted them a little sooner, however I finally got mine into 5 gallons last night. My root systems were phenominal. Nearly 100% symetrical around the entire pot with a ton of tap roots on the bottom dangling as some of the soil fell loose. The system looked like that of a plant you'd buy from a garden store that has been in it's pot for months and months - except, all you saw was pure white roots everywhere with little hairs. They had a nice little odor as well. ;)

I'm a fan of more soil all the time. I don't care how much it costs me.

Ps, what am I missing with the grow bags here fellas? Whats the advantage to them? Better air flow?


Active Member
"I" would go light if you do,3 ml is what "I" would use bein you do have some lime in the mix also.Enough to help but not really enough to do any harm.

Girl in you DIY pots lookin good.
That's reasonable, half a tsp once a week shouldn't hurt
Lookks great bro. I love sour d. One my fav strains to grow.. last harvest of my sour d I got the biggest yeild I've ever had (almost 8 p's from 4000w). Amazing qaulity and huge cholas! They were about 6 feet tall when I chopped them down. Can't wait till u harvest urs
Thanks man!!! I'm not sure of the genetics on the one mother I've been keeping, but the clones are from some outdoor diesel plants that I didn't want to bring inside. I had problems with mites last summer, what a fucking nightmare. :leaf:

Great pictures brother! Thats one of the Sour D's right there? (You've posted a bunch of other pics in here I beleive) That sure is one of my favorite strains.

I like your root theory. I took your suggestion back a few weeks ago and instead of sowing my seeds in cups I just did them right to half gallon containers. I should have transplanted them a little sooner, however I finally got mine into 5 gallons last night. My root systems were phenominal. Nearly 100% symetrical around the entire pot with a ton of tap roots on the bottom dangling as some of the soil fell loose. The system looked like that of a plant you'd buy from a garden store that has been in it's pot for months and months - except, all you saw was pure white roots everywhere with little hairs. They had a nice little odor as well. ;)

I'm a fan of more soil all the time. I don't care how much it costs me.

Ps, what am I missing with the grow bags here fellas? Whats the advantage to them? Better air flow?
Yeaman, so many problems can be avoided by using the right soil. They charge a lot, but fuck it... if it grows good pot I'll pay.

When you transplanted did you notice the roots kind of circling the inside of the pot? Well, with the growbags, the roots grow through the bag, hit the air, and the tip dies causing the plant to send out more roots. What you get is a more fiberous rootball that penetrates and utilizes every sqare inch of soil instead of the long roots that just keep circling around the inside of the pot.

Everybody who uses them raves about them so I bought a few to try them out, and I really like what I see.


Active Member
What's up fellas!!! Did everybody get through the hurricane alright? I hope everybody's outdoor grows are alright. I got lucky, no power loss and not a drop of water in my basement.... before the storm I tweaked my gutters (grading is off) and put 10' extensions on the bottoms to direct water away from my foundation. Worked like a charm. LOL, I'm sure everybody cares... on to the weed growing

My plants are coming along nicely, but I'm hoping the buds get fatter so I'm going to start increasing the tiger bloom. After some thought, I decided to start using Big Bloom in all stages of my grow. They're showing some minor deficiencies... I top-dressed with a handful of bloodmeal in each with some soil over that to help with the N. I know it takes a while to absorb into the soil, but it's better than doing nothing :) adding 3ml cal-mag per gal as well.

This is my favorite of the girls. Won't yield much, but I think she's beautiful. I think that cola is going to be my fattest yet. It's all for personal use anyway...

group photo. I figure the two on the left are 5 weeks in, one on the right 6 weeks.

They could be a bit healthier, but I'm very happy with them. Thanks for checking out my grow!!!



Active Member
Seriously X, those are some fat girls. What would you define as not yielding much? With those on your hands your going to be one perky guy for the next few months assuming thats the same disel blend that New Englanders grow. That stuff tastes great and gets you really amp'ed up. I really can't wait until your harvest, I've been watching you closely since I started and modeled a lot of my stuff after yours. Hopefully after a few rounds I can get a puppie or two like that, let alone a whole group. :P

I can't beleive you didn't get bothered by the hurricane. I lost power Sun-Tues and my property got douched with leaves, sticks and branches. Fortunately the drains in my basement kept up with everything so I didn't get any water on the actual floor and no trees fell in my yard so nothing damning happened. It wasn't fun though haha. I guess batteling the fat chick at Home Depot worked out for you?



Active Member
LOL sounds like you got away with little damage too. I just tweaked my gutters and that solved the problem, I feel like an idiot for sweating it out with the shop vac for the lightest rainstorms. What size light are you going with?

Thanks man, I've never done a journal before but I've learned that this a great way for us to share knowledge with each other. I've learned a lot along the way and everybody who participated here has my thanks, I'm happy to share. :)

I went to the hydro shop on payday because I think my ferts are too light on the nitrogen. For blossom boosters they have Beastie Blooms, Cha-ching, and a few others, but I was looking for a strong nitrogen feed. I wound up buying Dynagro Foliage Pro 9-3-6 and so far so good, the deficiencies have stopped progressing. Strong shit too, 1 tsp per gal is full recommended dosage.

I'm open to try new things even though that didn't work out too well for me last grow. I see a lot of brand names mentioned in the threads and I'll probably stay away from AN, but I'd like to get more info on bloom boosters before I spend my hard-earned money on them.


Well-Known Member
Lookin fantastic. Any guesses on ur yeild?

I grow sour d at our collective grow and managed to get just alittle over 2 pounds for every 1000w. No training, just topping so those fuuckers were like 7 feet Tall.


Active Member
I'm guessing about 6 ounces. I've been thinking about scrog lately, I'd like to make some honey oil or hash and that's going to take a lot of bud. I'd like to increase my yield before doing that, you guys who pull a gram per watt are pros in my book. I'm doubting my ability to do that with soil, best I'm hoping for next grow is a half gram per.


Active Member
Yeaman, I pre-ordered a couple of months ago I'm surprised somebody recognized it. I started playing Oblivion again to hold me over ;)

Charlie Who?

Active Member
You lucky SOB!

The best frickin weed Ive smoked in years was some sour D from Cal. I thought you had to start with a clone? Can you buy seeds now???

Man...they're looking GOOD, too.

Can I come for the Harvest Party?


BTW...hoe do you get the BIG pics? All I can do is get those crappy lil thumbnails?



Active Member
You lucky SOB!

The best frickin weed Ive smoked in years was some sour D from Cal. I thought you had to start with a clone? Can you buy seeds now???

Man...they're looking GOOD, too.

Can I come for the Harvest Party?


BTW...hoe do you get the BIG pics? All I can do is get those crappy lil thumbnails?

LOL thanks man. I work in a hippy liberal college town with lots of exotic weed going around. I'm getting to know one grower with a few connects and he gave me a few plants, but they were growing outdoor and I don't want to bring pests in. So I took clones for a few months until I had a secure line of genetics going indoors.

Anyways, to get the big pics, after you attach them to your post, click preview. Then right-click on the thumbnail in your preview, open in new tab. Copy the url and put the url inbetween these tags...
I still have to resize my images before uploading though, I use 800x600.

Yeaman, I'm a fan of SD as well as bubba kush. A few weeks ago there was some Sensi Star going around and WOOOOO!!!!! shit went quick though. I can get clones through this guy, but I'd like to get in with the real growers... I know theres more than a few very large indoor grows in the area, it would be tits to just walk in and pick out a few of my favorites.


Active Member
yeah cant wait for skyrim if you guys have not played the elder scrolls i suggest you start now it is perfect game for stoners i am playing oblevion again at the moment i love that game but iv beat it like for times


Active Member
yeah cant wait for skyrim if you guys have not played the elder scrolls i suggest you start now it is perfect game for stoners i am playing oblevion again at the moment i love that game but iv beat it like for times
lol, I get all pencil and paper with Oblivion for the x5 modifiers. I stopped buying pc games after Ubisoft started with this limited install shit on Far Cry 2, but it's for the better. I got a PS3 and a 47" flat screen with my tax return this year and I can't wait to see Skyrim on that fucker :)


Active Member
Wow X, 6 ounces (I think you have 4 going there?)... at 2 per plant I'd say you've got a damn good routine right now. Since I've never seen it for myself I don't know how much scrog'ing and LST will increase your yield, potency, etc - however both techniques look very appealing as they have a lot of factual basis behind them. Personally, I hate doing shit just for the sake of doing it. If I don't know why something works I won't even bother.

On the other hand, I did top one of my plants... you could say for the sake of doing it - but I know topping helps spread out your canopy as well. That plant took a little bit for me to accept what I did, but now that it has stretched out some I love the affect. I only topped once too, next time I try it I will top twice. Excited to see how it works out.

Have you ever seen the LST and SCROG tutorials from the Rhode Island member 'LBH'? I will pull them up for you. I've read a few different SCROG methods and I think his is by far the best. A lot of responses in his thread are from guys who have nice (looking) SCROGS, but are going to fix their setup's to mimic his in the near future.


Ps, for my pictures I start by taking them (obviously). Then I use a free program called Irfanview to erase the exif data from the pictures. (That stuff tells the camera make/model, maybe some other details... when the picture was taken, etc.) Exif data isn't the most incriminating stuff unless whoever is trying to use it knows what to do with it. I guess if anyone was that curious you could PM me and I'd explain.

Anyways, so in that program I goto 'File>Batch Conversion/Rename'. When that pops up you click options (which is under the batch conversion settings... it's pretty obvious). In that dialog, uncheck "Keep original EXIF data, IPTC Data, JPG Comment, XMP data". Those settings save so you only have to do it once.

From there you just add the files to input section and finally hit "Start batch". Those converted files are now wiped clean of mostly all but the actual picture. Then I use the website Image Shack, to upload the photos as you don't need an account there. Upload to image shack and they give you the IMG tag right there or if you look on the page you can find the direct link and copy that and add your own image tags between them. :)

I'm not a sketchy person but I'd say I enjoy being anonymous. :)