Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
i have repeated HOW YOU ARE WRONG many times.That's why I don't declare him an "idiot" like you did Krugman, he's clearly a smart person, Krugman himself even says so, but he's wrong and history shows us that
Same old tired reply "whatever I disagree with is wrong!".. I guess to people like you, reality has a liberal bias..
My argument was very clear to anyone without comprehension issues; You're a partisan hack, each and every one of your posts demonstrates that. Any idea coming from anywhere left of where you reside on the political spectrum is wrong because you say it's wrong. I've got news for you, in order for an idea to be wrong you need to demonstrate why it's wrong, not just declare it so. That's how debate works. I've explained my position and backed it up with historical context. All you've done is piss your pants and call 'foul!'. You can sit in your pissy-pants all day long, it doesn't change the facts and it doesn't change the numbers.
if outgoings exceed income, Debt, when Debt exceeds assets, Bankruptcy.
the only thing that makes large economies different from small ones is the amount of time and debt needed to tip over the canoe.
this is simple shit, nobody can say its not true, except keynesian "economists" who make the claim based on idiotic theories that have NEVER worked ever.
you ignore these simple facts, pretend that theres some magickal formulae that make macro economics immune to the immutable laws of economics, then with a little handwaving and some fallacies, you proceed to pretend you proved your claims.
THAT is not how debates work.
you havent offered any facts, merely opinions based on assumptions which are fundamentally flawed, and can be refuted by anyone who ever had to balance a checkbook (lol wutz a checkbook?)
you are engaging in argumentum ad populum, appeal to authority, texas sharpshooter, post hoc ergo propter hoc, red herring, strawman, and reductio ad absurdum, with more than a little Baron Munchhausen's Trilemma thrown in for good measure.