SOG ≠ Perpetual harvesting: A rant


Well-Known Member
It's quite alarming how some blogs and forums on the web confuse SOG vs the somewhat exclusive "perpetual harvest technique". These are NOT the same concept, though they can be used together.

SOG: Involves a uniform canopy of buds, which only should involve plants of the same growth stage for a neat and flattish canopy, esp with novel strip LED lighting. It's great for quick turn-arounds needed for NFT. Single point source lights of yester-years did however make "perpetual SOG" under a single light efficient; like the the infamous 'stadium canopy' with younglings in the middle and mature ladies on the outskirts (like any social event really). SOG though is way more hydro friendly than perp harvests. SOG is logistically simpler..

Perpetual harvests: Involves a not-so-uniform canopy (esp in NFT-style hydro); this is defined as a "staggered cropping" principle that can be applied outside the realm of SOG, and thus isn't defined by a vast uniform canopy "sea". You can perp SCROG, LST plants, even trees in DWC or media-buckets. This technique takes advantage of the fact that younger and smaller plants take up less space than older fatter ones, thus it maximises plant spacing under a given light source. No gaps for young plants and less cramping issues with older ones. Instead of massive mothers needed for generating many clones, and then massive trimming marathons after harvest 2 months later with SOG, I find it does spread the work load over more time, like little routine bits of effort needed every week or so, tho is a time-dependent logistical issue, esp if plants don't grow like they should be for whatever reason.

Feel free to debate me on this, but when I read a blog about SOG automatically having perpetuation, I see it as short-sighted to the definitions of these individual growing techniques, notwithstanding their aforementioned harmony when used together.