So I Got A Picture Of A Ghost Tonight


New Member
tell me this isn't fucked, watching tv earlier and all of a sudden we hear a bang look over at the window and this things standing there, so i run and grab my camera.....looks like some old war pilot or some shit its creepy all my lights are on and staying on all night i'm tripping balls

i outlined the second picture if you guys cant see

is that fucked or what
lol. wow. that's some good shit you got ahold of. :blsmoke: what's it called?

is that a parrot beak on a masked ball-chinean?


Well-Known Member
man as soon as I posted that my computer when BEEP BEEP!!! and shut off, and I turned it on, and it shut off, and I turned it on again and it shut off again, and now I'm here


Well-Known Member
digital and if you dident read, it wasn't just captured on camera i saw it in person and so did my girl
Yep, I caught that. Sometimes "ghosts" are only caught on camera. Sometimes on film only. Sometimes on digital only. Sometimes seen in person, not on an image.

I have a friend that keeps getting an image near where her Christmas tree is kept. Now she is starting to take pictures of that area all year long. So keep looking in the same place. Then take some pictures when you see nothing and inspect the images for traces of faint image.

Good luck, MB.
Hey Mr. Pyrex after you've smoked a shitload of hashish make sure you read this post again. Fookin freaked me out and it's midday here, I am totally sober and I ain't got any life stealin ghosts knockin on my window

Only kiddin, sleep well

the ghost looks like a old inidian to me. you sure your crib aint built on a indian burial ground? thats scary dude....i would move out asap.....and i think its true ghost do take souls because i was laying in bed one time and i heard footsteps comming up the stairs then all of a sudden i just went to half sleep half awake mode and saw a man in all black standing next to me in my peripheral vision...and since then my life hasnt been right ever since. goodluck


Too many brownies
What the fuck is PIMP talking about!?!?
Anybody else notice him yelling and writing all big and spacey about nothing at all?

dont you think your a little off topic buddy....

go post your lyrics in your own damn thread man.


Man so no action last night?

Bear's Blunts

Well-Known Member
quick grab the ouja board and see if you can communicate with them see if they are bad or good if bad get out of there. Peace


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is PIMP talking about!?!?
Anybody else notice him yelling and writing all big and spacey about nothing at all?

dont you think your a little off topic buddy....

go post your lyrics in your own damn thread man.


Man so no action last night?

i had to ban him for 24 hours. he was doing that all over the boards last night. disrupted numerous threads. he'll be back in 14 hours. :blsmoke: