So I Got A Picture Of A Ghost Tonight


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend saw the same woman with the doctors mask!!!!

actually theres two women with doctors masks!!!

good observation the one in the top you cut out appears to be something with a hood on and a mask

i've heard random noises in the past and thought nothing of it since it is a condo, this thing was built less then 8 months ago :S maybe the grounds are haunted or something?

i dunno guys:confused:


Well-Known Member
I see 4 faces too... one looks like a demon of sort, the other guy looks like a screw, he has some crazy glasses on and a little beard and mustache, and hes sticking his tounge out... and theirs a girl right on top of him, and the deamn right below him.... Crazy shit man!!!!!


Well-Known Member
he looks like he has his hand on his chin like hes thinking.
the dude who lived in my house before, said ghosts used to have sex with him at least once a week, and that the croses in the house used to fly off the walls and turn upsideown. and there was blood on one of the walls like splattered everywear, he had the house blessed 3 times by three seperate priests... not many strange things happen here... famouse last words :P
I think if there were ghosts in my house, they didnt like they guy before me,,, he was a fucked up guy, had a two way mirror in the bathroom, with a tripod on the otherside... odd :P


Well-Known Member
Why dont you run a trace history of the ground that your house is built on and see what has been there in the past:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It seems possible to me that peoples energy can be trapped and stored in a residual pattern that repeats itself over and over asimilar to a hard drive storing info,after all a hard drive is just metal,plastic,glass and some electrical current.
Sounds like a hard drive isn't that dissimilar to a house really if you really break it down.
Maybe a furious persona dying when they are seriously unhappy about it can be captured like any other kind of energy and imprint itself in a pattern into any surrounding material objects,even a plant or a tree.:blsmoke: