Smoking with Parents?


Well-Known Member
Never smoked with my mom, but she knows and doesn't care about my hobby. My father is a douchebag that left when I was one, so I don't count him lol But, and there is a but, I have smoked a bong with my exgirlfriends father who was like a stoner hippy from hawaii haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have had wine and beers with her. I think I am going to do it. Better she get the good shit then smoke some schwag Health Canada weed. I think it will give us a better relationship. Thanks!
its always weird the 1st time..i had the biggest smile tho when me and my dad first smoked together lol it was just funny and awkward at the same its like nothing..but i am 26 now and the first time i was 19 or 20 probably..if my mom ever smoked with me that would trip me out tho..we went on vacation a year ago and i brought brownies for me and my sisters boyfriend and my mom tried a bite and liked it lol she wanted more but i told her no cuz she would get to high..i make em strong
Same thing happend to me, finally turning18 i told my mom and now we cheif it up with my friends all the time.
Your straight man, smoke with her and let the weed talk.


Active Member
don't feel awkarded bro.

ive smoked with my mom alot

but my mom useully only wants to toke when we have some chronic haha


Active Member
yeah i agree with anonymuss.

my grandparents are very reglious

and they just found out i went in rehab for heroine. its ppretty awakarded around em haha.