Slab consistency


Well-Known Member
What am I doing wrong if my slab is starting to budder? I've been doing a 3 hr full purge @ 96 degrees in my vac oven then I'll flip it for another 3 hr full purge. Anything purged over 2 days seems to wanna budder up.



Well-Known Member
Too much agitation? Try not flipping it so often, and when you do how are you doing it?


Well-Known Member
I get the fastest purge and end up with the most monoterpenes, if I purge hot and fast, minimizing vacuum until most of the solvent is gone. I also usually end up with shatter.

You might try putting a thin film of it in your oven and raising the temperature until the film melts fully, usually around 110F/115F. Read your oven temperature, and then measure the actual temperature at the puddle, recording that differential for future use.

Pull a vacuum until there is a active flurry of bubbles, then hold at that level until they subside, before continuing to increase vacuum levels (reduce pressure), until it flurries again. Continue that cycle until you are holding at -29.5" and the flurry has subsided, and then remove from the oven and stick in a 0F freezer until it is solid enough to flip and then stick it back in the oven.

Repeat the above cycle until it no longer flurries when flipped, and then hold at that level until the solvent bubbles stop.

Remove and set out to cool and air.
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Well-Known Member
PS: Define shatter. While technically, shatter means brittle/frangible at room temperature, which THCA is, but the more monoterpenes also included, the less brittle it becomes.

If we define our "shatter" goal as a clear solvent free resin with aromatics and flavor, then we can expand the definition to include more pliable textures, as long as it stays a resin and doesn't begin to wax.