single plant grow box


Active Member
A contractor is useful for handling the load from the light. Even low wattage HID lights have a fairly high inductive load so without one sometimes it can trip a circuit breaker. I've been using my 150w plugged right into the wall and no problems yet. A good 15 amp breaker should be able to handle the 150 along with its normal load fine, they're designed to take the peak loads at start up. The issue you'd run into would be trying to add a 600w light to an already in use circuit.

I use a sunsystem light, it's an internal ballast light which means the only you have to do is screw in the bulb, plug it in, and turn it on. If you choose to get a separate bulb and ballast you need to wire it all together yourself. I think making a security light into a security light may be easier as the wiring is already done and all you would need to add is a heavy gauge extension cord with the female end cut off.

If you want to assemble your own, I know that digital ballasts are available for a 150, never used one before though. Both galaxy and HIDhut carry them. If they have retailers that you can get shipped to you it may be a good plan to go with one of them as it will run a bit cooler than a magnetic ballast would and will pull a bit less at the plug.


Well-Known Member
thanks, i've been looking for a 150w ballast on the internet and havent had much luck. i really don't want to be connecting wires and stuff as i haven't a clue how to do any of that stuff . could you send me a link to the set up you use. a internal ballast light sounds good


Active Member
Here's where I got mine from:

Here's a uk site that I found that has it through amazon:
I'm not having much luck with finding it without ridiculous shipping to you. Check any local hydro stores' websites for 150w hps kits, they should be available for pretty cheap.


Well-Known Member
I have had my flowering box running pretty constant for years, no contractor or timer for 2x250w enviros. Total nightmare switching it on and off every single bloody day! Why the hell i dont buy a timer and contractor i don't know! Been doing this every day for years now. Peace