sick of the shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
if i really wanted to help i would say, ...... "what is your setup?"
not, ........... "what a fucking tool. get a clue and read the faqs!!"

see the difference?
True True, I'm definitely not trying to justify yelling at noobs as I never have myself. But it seems to me that they (noobs in question) think they should have all the answers just handed to them by some people who actually learned themselves. I think of it like this....I'm pretty good with computers, my family isn't. They bug the hell outta me for things I think are easy that they might not even know. I help when I can, but sometimes I just tell them "I learned it myself, so can you. Google it". I dunno if that makes sense, but its like that, lol. I literally learned most of what I know about PC's/Electronics from google.

I mean that is Google's reason for existence is it not?


Well-Known Member
Almost every time i go onto a thread or post a thread to give or get advice some asshole has to come on there and talk shit about how stupid yours or my question is, or if you just need to confirm that your doing something correctly, & etc.

To all of you, I say :finger: GO FUCK YOUR SELF:finger:. The only stupid question is the question that is'nt asked!. I know there is alot of repeats on question here but no one is telling you to go into the thread.

Remember what your mother told you, "if you have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all".

We all started out not knowing a whole lot about growing and we all have had questions at some point. so keep the smart ass comments to your self.

So burn a fat one and help your fellow man or woman out, thats what this site is all about.


Very well put :clap::clap:
had to make a bold in your post though. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm jaded but before I even read a thread on growing here I read and practically memorized 3 grow books. I then read several pages of threads concerning my interests. It was when I came upon multiple pieces of conflicting information that I was forced to ask questions.

In all honesty there's very little that can't be answered with the search function and google. There are however some very interesting questions and grows here that are worth reading about.

I tend to skip the threads that start with, "Help, how come my plants aren't growing under this strobe/black light combination?"

I have much larger issues with grammar. The people who don't know the difference between there, their, and they're drive me batty. The bottom line is, if you don't like it don't read it. Feeding the trolls only makes them come back. Honestly answering a noob question MIGHT just stop 5 other noobs from asking the same thing.

I will however agree that our society is quickly become 'reading' impaired. Much of society would much rather have someone hold their hand instead of doing independent research.



Well-Known Member
I love it how he tells everyone to go and fuck themselves, then ends the post with 'Peace'



Well-Known Member
I will however agree that our society is quickly become 'reading' impaired. Much of society would much rather have someone hold their hand instead of doing independent research.
Exactly :clap: I guess it all depends on if someone is feeling lazy....or wants to learn for themselves. I know I'm much more satisfied when I find something out firsthand. Be it a mistake or whatever. I'm a very trial and error type of person, lol.


Well-Known Member
The best question is the "the tips of my leaves are going yellow". I must see that every other day, but normally answer them because i had that question once and people helped me.


Well-Known Member
I think everyone should have the FAQ on their copy/paste. Then whenever a "noob" question pops up........BLAM...give him the guide to it all


Well-Known Member
its already on the top of the screen tho! it really shouldnt need to be pointed out, its right there! read it!


Well-Known Member
I agree a little reading goes a long way and its to bad most people are lazy and looking for the quick easy answer instead of putting some time to find it.

But the reason i typed this thread was because myself and another person were having a discussion on cloning, I have read countless threads , watched a million utube vids and I cant get a clone to root nor could he. We are trying to figure out why when some jackass posts his very 1st thread with RIU and insults the both of us. No point in it.


Well-Known Member
you dont have to listen too that jerk though, who is he? why dose he matter.

ive cloned all kinds of plants its as easy as cutting the node right with a clean blade, shaving off a little bark, adding root hormone if you have it, but you dont need it, andputting it in the soil


Well-Known Member
True True, I'm definitely not trying to justify yelling at noobs as I never have myself. But it seems to me that they (noobs in question) think they should have all the answers just handed to them by some people who actually learned themselves. I think of it like this....I'm pretty good with computers, my family isn't. They bug the hell outta me for things I think are easy that they might not even know. I help when I can, but sometimes I just tell them "I learned it myself, so can you. Google it". I dunno if that makes sense, but its like that, lol. I literally learned most of what I know about PC's/Electronics from google.

I mean that is Google's reason for existence is it not?

you either come here to ask questions or answer them. that IS the purpose of a forum, is it not? :weed:


Well-Known Member
With the cloning, try a aeroponics cloning chamber thingy. Apparently they are amazing. Use them with water no nute, no hormone powders or gel. Just plain water. Thats what i read anyway.


Well-Known Member
I think everyone should have the FAQ on their copy/paste. Then whenever a "noob" question pops up........BLAM...give him the guide to it all
i think everyone who is not a noob should be able to simply answer the questions. i often wonder why people don't. they complain instead. is it because they don't even know? or do they just have a complex about being better than others?

why do you need a link when you can simply say, "add some nitrogen"?


Well-Known Member
you either come here to ask questions or answer them. that IS the purpose of a forum, is it not? :weed:
There's also another purpose with the FAQ being here. And I also find myself just browsing the forums, not asking or answering, just reading and learning.


Well-Known Member
you dont have to listen too that jerk though, who is he? why dose he matter.

ive cloned all kinds of plants its as easy as cutting the node right with a clean blade, shaving off a little bark, adding root hormone if you have it, but you dont need it, andputting it in the soil

Trust me what he says does'nt matter, but I'm noticing a trend here on RIU that I dont think is necessary. I dont post a whole alot but i do come on her every day and read alot. knowledge is power.

As for the cloning, I take my cuttings soak them in water for 2 days, scrap some bark off dip in the root hormone and stick them in rockwoll.


Well-Known Member
i think everyone who is not a noob should be able to simply answer the questions. i often wonder why people don't. they complain instead. is it because they don't even know? or do they just have a complex about being better than others?

why do you need a link when you can simply say, "add some nitrogen"?
T'was a joke, lol. But yes if someone didn't know the answer they could at least point them to the FAQ or stay quite. And I'm sure we all know there are those people that complain just to have something to do.
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