sick me!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
MAN! I hate being sick!
I have a sore throat. and its soar. and hurts alot... but I need to smoke anyway so I do :P
what do you do to calm your throat or whatever?
I like eating teaspoons of honey every once in awhile for it. but I have none :evil: and I'm about to smoke, and my throat says NOO DONT DO IT!, alright do it:roll:


Well-Known Member
Ughh I had that yesterday after me and my friend smoked 2 L's. When we got done with the firt and on to the second my throat started to get real soar but I kept going and this morning it felt like I had a cold but, i'm all good now. =] Oh yeah, I always took like a table spoon of honey and let it just slide down your throat.


Well-Known Member
yea :( this was a weard soar throat, I was hanging out being fine and than bang my throat starting killing me for no reason... and its just getting worse :(


Well-Known Member
I hate honey tea.:P I probably should... and I was going to... but than. I stoped because I have no honey :(
and FDD never answerd me!!! does jello really help!?


Well-Known Member
ice cream!? I though cold was bad for soar throats... I always felt the oposite. but... I dont know :P
I'l try it


Well-Known Member
i missed work all week been real sick with killer cough and sore throat. and i have my own personal solution but unfortuatly it does not work if you got a stuffy nose too but what i always do is french inhale my weed

you take the full drag in your mouth without inhaling then open your mouth a little and inhale everything as it rises out of your mouth through your nose. i.e. do a french inhale, i find this bypasses your throat or feels like it does nicely

i even do that when im not sick cuz my thoat is fucked i cant take big hits anymore like i used to

hey FDD didnt you say a while back you have a huge pain in your thoat and that you went to the doc many times for it but no one could figure out what the prob was or how to help you?

lol i remember when you posted that and i was thinking to myself? this guy smokes like a pound a week and hes goin to a doc to figure out why his throat hurts?:mrgreen:

anyway no offense just thought it was funny:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yea I need a vaporzer. but I dont know when I'm going to get one. I have too many thing I need to buy that are higher on my list... than my health?
I hate that numbing shit! last time I got it all up on my face! and it was nuts... and I sprayed it on my foot to see if anything would happen... and my foot went to sleep :P

I got a stuffy noes too :( yea I forgot all about french inhailes

and drizzle? are you like the superhero? the drizzle? or... rain or somthing?


Well-Known Member
LMAO, how you sprayed it on your face. I remember this thing I'd have to spray in my nose and it would make the stuffyness go right away, until someone at my Grandmothers house steals it... Honestly, who steals nose medicine...


Well-Known Member

tckfui, i have strep throat:grin:

I've been sucking down green tea and that seems to help but i haven't dared to try smoking. it would probably kill me.


Active Member
hey tckfui

try calamus root tea, basil pills, fresh ginger and lemon tea, or smoking/vaping a little coltsfoot and mullein

hope this helps and ya start feeling better


Well-Known Member
stop smoking for a bit for one! Juice a whole lemon, add it to a mug of boiling water, add a big spoon of honey, and drink while as hot as you can take it (don't burn yourself though), oh and you can gargle dispersible aspirin too


Well-Known Member
smoking/vaping a little coltsfoot and mullein

smoke?! I love smoke!!! what is coltsfoot though? not a foot right?! :P
I need to smoke! I thgink I'm going to smoke again in a little bit :P and I'l probably have a sore throat for a month because I wont stop :(
cant I just eat basil? I eat basil all day. so do I really need it? I mean... its just basil in a pill right?
green tea :(
hot lemon water :(


Well-Known Member
tell the truth,what really happend?lol!j/k.....the tea and a spoonful of honey should do the trick dog.just not as quik as u want it to.