Should we "compromise" on gun control?


Well-Known Member
What is the scope you have on the gamo?
The same scope that is on my other air rifle, I have 4 of them , they are cheap little Centerpoint scopes, 4x16x42 with red and green illuminated reticle( Walmart), really nice scopes for small bore weapons. I have 2 Nightforce scopes, one on my 300 win mag and another that I have set aside for a future 6mm Creedmore that is coming to me in the not too distant future. The wifey has a 257 Roberts that has a 3x9x40 Leupold on it and it is a deer killing machine, just have to get hand loads for it as decent factory ammo for that rifle is impossible to come by anymore. Everything else is either Aimpoint holographic or lasers on my pistols.




Well-Known Member
The same scope that is on my other air rifle, I have 4 of them , they are cheap little Centerpoint scopes, 4x16x42 with red and green illuminated reticle( Walmart), really nice scopes for small bore weapons. I have 2 Nightforce scopes, one on my 300 win mag and another that I have set aside for a future 6mm Creedmore that is coming to me in the not too distant future. The wifey has a 257 Roberts that has a 3x9x40 Leupold on it and it is a deer killing machine, just have to get hand loads for it as decent factory ammo for that rifle is impossible to come by anymore. Everything else is either Aimpoint holographic or lasers on my pistols.


Cool thanks. Those are some nice specs or the scope. Gonna have to check them out.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Should there be a compromise on slavery? No. You can't compromise on freedom, nor can you against those who attempt to take it unjustly with force. Until humanity rids itself of unjust, the gun is the best tool. A criminal won't stop their deeds with kind words. Police wouldn't be taken seriously without a gun, but not all of us can afford the police to be our own personal bodyguards. So without our own personal gun, we become slaves to those who wish us harm.


Well-Known Member
^^^ that is the point that ub refuses to see, out of fear or ignorance, still not sure which, but it is surely one of those.



Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Sweet, I have a Big Cat also, I keep it at the lake house for vermin control. Yea, the wifey has a lot of bird feeders and she puts food out for the squirrels, but if I catch one gnawing on a feeder, it is lights out for sure. I like squirrels, just as long as they don't get destructive, if they do, then I

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dinner time!! I forgot where but their is a place that buys squirrel tails for fishing lures.


Well-Known Member
Every time I speak with someone who is completely opposed to guns, I tell them they ought to put a big sign in their yard that says "this is a gun free home." I have yet to come across one of them who thought it would be a good idea.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure Diane Feinstein would disapprove of your use of an ASSAULT rifle to murder those cute little squirrels.
Give it a break an assault rifle an AR-15 is basically a high powered .22 anyone that wants to radify stand your ground. Would wish that that they didn't say that. Whilst waiting for cops to help you out 15-20 minutes later. Then they get their and Yer fucked in a pool of Yer own blood.

Criminals will always have access to a some form of a weapon. If I'm gonna protect myself from an assailant I'd rather it be a firearm. Would you like to get into a knife fight with would be robber that's cracked out?? Be my guest, a firearm is a last resort. First I use wasp spray like mace. That shit sprays 30 feet across.

People misunderstand the castle doctrine. It dictates you can meet force with force. For example if you push me, I push back. You punch me, I punch back. You pull a knife, bat, broken bottle then I'm justified too protect myself.

Fuck squirrels its a known fact that they are destructive. They are not cute when they eat Yer buds or bonsai's. I smile while eatin them bitches.


Well-Known Member
22-250 is more like a high powered 22. .223 or 5.56 is good for deer hunting, oh and the military likes them for killing people.

squirrll taste good. napster badddd.

cancer survivor

Active Member
relax everybody there are 225 million guns in the lower 48 states. think about that. no way the goverment can get em all. 225 million guns thats a lot!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
don't try to talk sense into them, they live to feed their paranoia and persecution complexes.
This joint in my hand could land me in jail for years. That is bs. I'll not allow the man to make guns like joints because of liberal fools like you.


Well-Known Member
This joint in my hand could land me in jail for years. That is bs. I'll not allow the man to make guns like joints because of liberal fools like you.
it worries me that mentallyy unstable folks like yourself are allowed such easy access to firearms.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
it worries me that mentallyy unstable folks like yourself are allowed such easy access to firearms.
Autistic folks like myself only think different. That doesn't make us mentally unstable. NTs are just as capable of flipping out and doing crimes of passion. It doesn't mean our sensory overloads will result in gun crime. Ask your wife about what an ASD will and won't do, maybe you'll be less of a bigot.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Even though I don't believe in guns I still feel we should have the right to them. It will cause too much of an uproar if guns become anymore regulated. The ammo alone is pissing tons off I could only imagine if they took the actual gun away.
Especially if "they" used guns to do it.


King Tut
I see your point, they can do a lot of things, but to start taking guns away from the public will never happen in this country on any larger scale than a few small incidents like New Orleans and the likes.
I have quite a few weapons, and I would never give them up to anyone, ever. As a matter of fact, I just put a new Aimpoint holographic sight on my Assault Rifle and a tactical flashlight with flashing and a green laser dazzler built in on Mama's shotgun. It will blind a person at 25' in broad daylight and over 50yds at night.
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I like these weapons, but they are loud and a bit cumbersome, I actually prefer my air rifle for quiet operations, as it is silenced and ultra accurate out to 100yds.
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Know Guns = Know Peace
No Guns = No Peace


Why you call it an "assault" rifle? Mine has never assaulted anyone.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
lol, 37 year old spam.

openly racist OP is desperate as all fuck today.
The article was written a few days ago. The quote that was provided was meant simply to illuminate "the actual plan" as opposed to "common sense gun control". Obvious Obama boot-licker is obvious.


Well-Known Member
Why you call it an "assault" rifle? Mine has never assaulted anyone.
Just to piss the anti gun peeps off. Mine have never assaulted anyone, and I pray they never have to. I am a life member of the NRA, so are my wife and children and will be my grandchildren.

It is hard to refrain from poking them in the ribs from time to time.



Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Just to piss the anti gun peeps off. Mine have never assaulted anyone, and I pray they never have to. I am a life member of the NRA, so are my wife and children and will be my grandchildren.

It is hard to refrain from poking them in the ribs from time to time.


What if your grand children realize murdering animals for sport is barbaric and guns should be used for protection or shooting non-living targets only?