Sheriff Joe Arpaio


Active Member
sevierville.... ive been there ;)
Yeah, it's pretty common it's one of the biggest tourist locals on the east besides Florida, the people here are ok, but the people that were born and raised here suck and will rip you off if you give them the chance, it's mainly cause Gatlinburgs 10 minutes away.


Hello, nice to meet you, born in Harvey I lived on the Harvey cannal for 18 years I just visit once a month now, I live in a place called Sevierville TN now.

i been there before... really pretty country up there

This dick Arpaio tasered a RETARD to DEATH, while HANDCUFFED, in a RESTRAINING CHAIR, with a bag over his head, IN PRISON.
fucked up, but not at all suprising.... i've been to jail, and could see them doing shit like that


Well-Known Member
I agree on his crackdown on immigration, but thats it! I doubt it would be hard to find another blow hard like himself only more laxed about marijuana. He suffers from that "old school" syndrome. surely thers someone else out there that could do the same job without incarcerating the non-violent drug offenders.

I heard on the radio today he might run for governor

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Send him lots of red meat and maybe he will stroke out---haha fat ass bastard. I seen him on Tv what a narcissistic prik. I was in Az on my Scoot and the cops wrote me for no sunglasses at night. I was just cutting back from the bridge to NV after a dinner and got caught at night. That place is wacked. But you can carry a side arm---Wow! that's what cops are for---they bring guns for you. So stupid I seen guys in this work tent prison for weed! His own personal cahin gang to work on his vegetable garden for weed


Active Member
The guy tells you up front if you break the law he will harshly punish you...At least you know where he stands.. I love that guy... Peace


New Member
Yea he is,go down to the part with inmate names and you'll see how his prison employees beat and kill paraplegics,blind people and mentally handicap then this piece of shit covers it up himself.

If he covers it do YOU know? :lol:


Well-Known Member
he's like a celebrity. which throws me off.
sure maybe his wiki entry is one-sided. he's rep in general is controversial.
pink underwear and green bologna!!!

he loves to brag of the money he's saved the county, then one way or another he or his employees turn around and create million dollar maltreatment lawsiuts.


New Member
I think it was HBO that ran a special on prisons around the world.... this guy is running a SPA in comparison to China... :lol:

The whole point is NOT wanting to go back to prison.