

I just soaked about 150 seeds and the majority of them sunk to the bottom after a few hours. I was told that the ones that sink have a better germination a rate. Out of the 200 hundred seeds soaked in the half full jar that I am using, how many do you think will germinate and be successful? They were older seeds and before I soaked them I made a tube out of sand paper and placed them in there to slightly scatch off a layer to help them absorb water better. I have done this before and it has worked with older seeds. Can someone give me some input on my endeavors?

Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the germination rate should be fine. I'd love to know what you have in store for all of those seeds though. I grow with a close friend that lives nearby. We are growing about 30 plants in all (some indoors, some outdoors) and it has been a LOT of work. Good luck though.


Active Member
Do you have your own business of selling sprouted plants? I can't imagine someone growing that many plants by themself without a field or an underground bunker


Well-Known Member
I just soaked about 150 seeds and the majority of them sunk to the bottom after a few hours. I was told that the ones that sink have a better germination a rate.
This just insures that your seeds are throughly wet so germination can begin. Also it really depends on how old your seeds are/where they were kept. Sure you get the random ones that survive the ages, but the bulk of seeds won't hold for more than a year or two. We've been trying to sprout a pack of Skunk (insert random number here) for a year with no luck. They get the same size every time, then die. :(


Well, I planted the majority of them. I figured that it would give me at least a decent ratio of plants. I planted about 120 of them on a plot that I own that is inconspicous to the general public....i.e. the perfect grow area. Out of the 120 I figure about 100 will sprout and 20 will be male. I want to yield at least 10 pounds and it could be possible....the dirt was very healthy.


Active Member
80% felmale? Did you buy femenized seeds? That is a high ratio? Some people get less then 20% female.

Just remember to pull the males as soon as they get their balls.

Best of luck.


I planted so many because I figured that only about half of them would sprout and a few more ending up being male.


Well-Known Member
In healthy plants with no hermy genes, it should be damn near 50/50 on males to females.