Seed popped and then stopped?


Used the paper towel method on 3 seeds about a week ago. Kannabia, Pyramid, and Kush. The first 2 are already potted and working on their first leaf set. The kush is still in the paper towel with a tiny white sliver poking out of the shell and doesn't seem to have moved from that position in 3-4 days. Like time has frozen around it. Any ideas on what I should do? I have it in a damp paper towel inside a dark drawer. Worried about the seed rotting or just dying off.


Thanks for the quick replies. I'm gonna move the container and put some heat to it and see what it does. What I 'can' see of the plant that has popped out of the seed still looks healthy, but just kinda worried me about it stopping like that. Thanks again for the info!


Well-Known Member
it happens to me every now and then. just make sure if your a smoker wash your hands b4 touching them in the papper, sometimes its avoidable sometimes not.


Well-Known Member
Could be dead but you could put it in soil and see what happens. Since it already cracked there really isn't any reason to have it in a paper towel anymore.


Well-Known Member
i do alotta seeds and get those i leave them be after 2 weeks i can them if nothing else happens but they almost always live