Sealed or opened cab?


Active Member
Hi guys,
my grow room is a plastic 4x3x6 cabinet situated in a balcony windows-closed outside my kitchen. Being closed by windows the room has regular fresh air and the cab is near a door to an open balcony.
Inside grow cab i set a 400w led + 2 6'' fan, temperature is min 68 max 86 and lights are on 18/6.
It's a plastic cabinet for tools so is open, many scratches, and i often left cabinet doors few inches open. I feel fresh air incoming from bottom and hot air outcoming from top.
I also use a mosquito net when cab is open even if usually insects have short life due to my cats!

Do u think would be better anyway to seal cab and use an air in/out conduct, adding co2 (im using soil...) or it's better use half-outdoor ambient like now?


Active Member
Hi guys,
my grow room is a plastic 4x3x6 cabinet situated in a balcony windows-closed outside my kitchen. Being closed by windows the room has regular fresh air and the cab is near a door to an open balcony.
Inside grow cab i set a 400w led + 2 6'' fan, temperature is min 68 max 86 and lights are on 18/6.
It's a plastic cabinet for tools so is open, many scratches, and i often left cabinet doors few inches open. I feel fresh air incoming from bottom and hot air outcoming from top.
I also use a mosquito net when cab is open even if usually insects have short life due to my cats!

Do u think would be better anyway to seal cab and use an air in/out conduct, adding co2 (im using soil...) or it's better use half-outdoor ambient like now?
Really depending on what plants you growing with the soil but if I'll be you, I'll do vermicompost and add it to the soil or do tea from it and spray <---(spray fresh water after) so the leafs won't get burned

Personally I wouldn't put a 400w cabinet near a window but that depends where you live and FLIR in you area even with Mylar, sealed or opened ? Smell maybe your concern so probs seal it and add carbon filter hooked to vent but where does the ducting goes ? I would vent into room and have window open, if you decide to seal the cabinet have some fans inside


Active Member
Really depending on what plants you growing with the soil but if I'll be you, I'll do vermicompost and add it to the soil or do tea from it and spray <---(spray fresh water after) so the leafs won't get burned

Personally I wouldn't put a 400w cabinet near a window but that depends where you live and FLIR in you area even with Mylar, sealed or opened ? Smell maybe your concern so probs seal it and add carbon filter hooked to vent but where does the ducting goes ? I would vent into room and have window open, if you decide to seal the cabinet have some fans inside
Really depending on what plants you growing with the soil but if I'll be you, I'll do vermicompost and add it to the soil or do tea from it and spray <---(spray fresh water after) so the leafs won't get burned

Personally I wouldn't put a 400w cabinet near a window but that depends where you live and FLIR in you area even with Mylar, sealed or opened ? Smell maybe your concern so probs seal it and add carbon filter hooked to vent but where does the ducting goes ? I would vent into room and have window open, if you decide to seal the cabinet have some fans inside
Smell isn't a problem because room has fresh air and many windows on top. Besides room is at the opposite site of house entrance.
Inside cab there s 2 fans, ventilation is ok.
Bigger problem will be spider mites or similar, having plants in a half open space, so i'm interested to prevent it.
I'm worried about spidermites or similar, so every 2days a spray plants with water ( with lights off). You suggest tea from vermicompost but having a wife that hates worms maybe better another solution eheheh.
What other natural mixture may i use?
Thanks for help!

ps: what is FLIR? I have to learn many other english acronyms :)


Well-Known Member
Hey there! There are a few things to consider here.

What kind of plant are you growing? If it's a photoperiod then, when flowering time comes, the grow space needs to be totally dark at during lights-out time. Light leaks will ruin your grow. An auto plant won't mind so much and will flower regardless but a photoperiod plant will likely be ruined.

Also. Never underestimate the stink of a flowering plant! ;) Watch out for the cat too. Some cats love weed. I've heard of cats getting in with people's plants and lying on them.

I think FLIR is police choppers that seek out heat.

Hope I've helped a lil bit! Good luck.


Active Member
At the moment are 3 autos and 3 bagseed (only veg) so i'm not so concerned about dark period, but im gonna cover anyway narrows. During dark period cab is anyway closed and dark. I live at third floor and u cannot see cab with plants even if lights are on.
For the smell i should open all the windows (3 on top) and close the door to my kitchen, so don't think whole house will stink.
Cats: at the moment they seem to love only their catweed that i regular place inside house. They are curious about the pink light from cabinet but not interested at what is in...(maybe the are waiting flowering to be more interested lol).
Thanks for help!