Ryan's Chocolate Tree Grow


Well-Known Member
Well here are some pictures of the 2 largest. They look like mushrooms but then they crack open and start growing"true" leafs. kinda cool. They where about 3 inches tall but I gently transplanted them into more fertile soil. so they look short. Man they have some thick stems for sprouts. Hope I can train them without snapping :-(. Sorry for the pic quality its because it cant handle closeups



Well-Known Member
Sorry for the lack of updates but when I had them in my greenhouse they were getting way to much light. It took me a moment to notice the baby leafs were burning. They got severely burnt and I had them in the ICU in hopes to save them . For a tropical plant man these things cant take any light at all. I have them in the corner of my garage. The garage only has one window and it is on the other side . Really Really low light tolerance, but I bet this excessive heat didn't help. Makes me think you can grow them as far up as Canada as long as you keep the heat up.

here they are recovering just fine. Nice fully shaped leafs getting pumped out on a daily basis. The burning my have given me an unexpected advantage. Since the main branches almost died they started growing multiple branches, this will help me keep them short. They are growing really well now and I bet ill have to make another update real soon.

I can see why you have to keep them in a humid environment. The leafs are paper thin actually thinner then computer paper.

SO here they are,

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The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Very interesting, subscribled for the long run!

Would be kinda fun to watch it turn into a tree the next few years...

Maybe there should be a tree section in the gardening forum?


Man those are beautiful, really looking forward to seeing more results.

Will you be planning to replant them into the ground after a while or will they be potted for their entire lives?


Well-Known Member
The growth has been crazy in the past few days I am making an update & it has only been 2 days . I am about to start training them into spirals. I am going to get a wire hanger and bend it in a spiral. Attaches it at the base of the pot and secure the stems to the spiral as it grows.

@ Pamphlet I will have to keep them in pots because it gets colder then 60 F where I live so I will have to bring them in in winter.



Well-Known Member
Re-potted the large ones. There is a new sprout & I still think some of the others will grow. I am at a loss to why some are taking so long. Still I will be happy with 5 trees considering they were shipped out of the seed pod.

Will start training soon want to wait a few days because I just re-potted them. I think that would just be too much stress in one day.

The new potting mix I made

3 parts compost
3 parts peat moss
2 Parts lava rock

And the bottom inch of the pots is just pure lava rock for drainage.

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Well-Known Member
Awesome man lookin good. I may give em another go. There's a guy around here that sells exotics out of his home greenhouse. I've gotten dragon fruit banana and cocoa from him. He also has plumeria mangos and ghost chillis.


Well-Known Member
Awesome man lookin good. I may give em another go. There's a guy around here that sells exotics out of his home greenhouse. I've gotten dragon fruit banana and cocoa from him. He also has plumeria mangos and ghost chillis.
I think my next exotic will be coffee


Well-Known Member
Looks like I have to grow this now... I showed my wife your thread and she is all in... she actually eats the fruit of the plant it's common where she's from and it's one of her favorites. Too bad it'll take so long to grow it'll have to be a big container grow as i don't expect we'll be living here longer than 2 years


Well-Known Member
Well the new sprout is taking off. The others not so much. They are really healthy looking now. I guess these plants just grow in bursts. They may just be growing roots since I re-potted them but the leafs got slightly larger and much healthier green. The baby leafs look so cool, they starts off as a translucent gold metallic and gradually turn green. then dark green.

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Well-Known Member
So these plants grow in spurts. 2 weeks root growth 2 weeks leaf growth alternating. Never saw a plant do this before but cool that's whats up. You see them pump out leafs so fast and when they stop you feel like you are doing something wrong but nope. that's just how they grow.


From left to right

Plant 1

Plant 2
This one was burnt really bad a seedling but it has recovered. just looks ugly.

Plant 3

Plant 4


Plant 5

the seedling. I need to re pot it don't think its getting enough light on the floor.



Well-Known Member
They are still growing. ON going process here. I don't think i am going to train them they are to fragile.

Oh did I mentionI got a new camera :-P



Plant 1


Plant 2


Plant 3


Plant 4
