Rush (the band) Fan club:)

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
I still have an original un-worn Rush t-shirt that I bought at a concert when they had just released the album "Moving Pictures"

Many moons ago.I'm telling my age here lol.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Has anybody seen the clip on Family Guy when the CHEETO CHEETAH is listening to RUSH and then he snorts a fat line of cheetos and says, "YES YES NEIL PERT IS THE BEST DRUMMER!!!" Funny shit...


Well-Known Member
I like the video on the Rush Chronicles DVD called Subdivisions. I like the guy with glasses who is an OUTCAST, forced to live his life in this subdivisioned system. Has anybody seen this video? It is complete with 1980's computer graphics of a car driving down the street. I would get high every day right after I graduated high school, and I would watch this DVD after I got high... it's so ridiculously 1980's that I just had to laugh.

Yes, Rush is classic. Early Distant Warning is also another good song..