Advice for a complete noob aspiring to start a death metal band?


Well-Known Member
So with this quarantine I have plenty of time to cultivate my talents, on top of all the toking and fapping I've been doing.

For a long time I've had this idea to start up a melodic death metal band; it kinda started as a running joke among friends. We would emulate the riffing style of Arghoslent (an acclaimed but retardedly white nationalist melodeath band of methed-up cousinfuckers from Virginia) and write lyrics that are some radical, revolutionary shit that empowers the proletariat and gets the fists pumping in the pit. Now I have a clear musical vision and ran it by two local friends (one plays guitar and the other is a drummer) and they actually didn't cancel me for it! I've come up with a name for the project, dozens of song titles, have written some lyrics to several of 'em, designed our first t-shirt in Photoshop, and even am in talks with this chill motherfucker who says he'll draw our logo for relatively cheap. I won't lie, I'm pretty excited.

I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I come from a musical background; my old man plays drums for a hardcore band who's played shows across the States, Europe, and festivals in Baltimore and Prague. Gigs aren't my priority for the moment, perhaps later down the line once we're more established, but right now I'd just be happy to get out our first demo tape before the year is out.

In the meantime, I am open to any advice from the more musically-literate folks on this board. Whether it's about bass gear (my current bass is a ratty old Squier Precision; looking to replace it with an Ibanez after graduation), death growl vocals, capturing the right tone, the recording process, production, or dealing with avaricious label suits. I don't anticipate too many issues with the last thing, as I'm looking to keep this band relatively underground, but like I said I'm a total noob when it comes to these things. So any of your input, perspectives, and experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading this long-ass post. Stay blazed and stay metal!