running 18/6 will it show sex at week 3 or when mature or so u switch 2 12/12 to reve


Well-Known Member
well it sprouted on the 9th i was thinkin the 25th scince it would take about a week or so 2 show sex anyway and i need 2 keep it kinda short workin with about 23 inches or so

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
well if thats the case u should start the flowerin cycle once it's 2 weeks .. cuz it will triple it's size once u start to flower


Well-Known Member
it would only b 16 days but ive seen sum pretty good yeilds with about 2.5 weeks it would be a lil more than that prob close 2 3 when it actualy started showing sex


Well-Known Member
alright is it possible 2 change the name of this thread to first grow or sumthing after flowering starts ima be throwin sum pics up


Well-Known Member
5 days later almost doubble the size is it normal for a plant when put under 2700's instead of having flat leaves 2 be like poofed up like where all the veines are they are more defined now thought it was kinda cool lookin