Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam


Well-Known Member
It leaves a white scuzzy which builds up to look like crystals or something.....gross:spew:


Well-Known Member
Whats the name of that bug @DST? I have smashed some bugs that look like that, lately actually. I already topped 1 on my wifes trees as it had similar looking shit on it. Got a bath in basically lemon juice.


Well-Known Member
My cukes developed some of that white crap also late in bloom...I'm convinced it was a similar flying white bug. I'll hit 'em with the SNS systematic next spring regularly for sure! ATB!


Well-Known Member
Not sure what it is guys. Need to do some investigation. It's slow moving....doesn't seem to fly. Looks like some sort of mite/lice. Hard shelled anyway. Gave the plants a dose of pyrethrin (sp).


Well-Known Member
Not sure what it is guys. Need to do some investigation. It's slow moving....doesn't seem to fly. Looks like some sort of mite/lice. Hard shelled anyway. Gave the plants a dose of pyrethrin (sp).
Yeah they crawl slow. I think they were falling off of some plant here. I noticed when I have given a good watering about a month back. Little fucking centipede turtles. I smashed about 20 of them


Well-Known Member
I will get some pics if I see more. The ones here looked like little dinosaurs, not that fungi look, maybe another breed of them and they were brown in color. They looked more like a centipede, same type of armor as the mealy bug and same shape as mealy bug


Well-Known Member
Perhaps woodlice mate. They feed on wood material in the substrate but they will also nosh on leaves....they look similar but are a bit bigger and have that harder armour she'll. More brown in colour.


Well-Known Member
Rofl I'm so excited to get to help if the residue that bug leaves is bubbly like spit it's called a spittle bug get rid of these vermin by simply rubbing them and the juice off the stalk or stem
Cheers for the post St1kybudz. I checked on google the images of spittlebugs and the resude these mealybugs leave behind is more like a crystalized substance than the bubbly spit that Spittlebugs leave behind. Saying that I sprayed and rubbed a whole load of the crystal stuff of the stems and underside of the leaves.

This is one of the Spittle bug pics.....unfortunately different from the fukkers who have taken up residence on my neighbours plant.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for bringing my original misdiagnosis to my attn look up mealybugs and scale lady bugs eat them and my book titled marijuana garden saver says you can also use alcohol wipes I'd just order lady bugs and introduce them to the green house problem solved organically hope this is what you were looking for


Well-Known Member
Cheers bru. I have given them a few sprays with an organic solution I have. Going to do some alcohol cleaning as well. Thanks for taking time to look into that!
Luckily these things are not on my plants, they are on my neighbours plants (non MJ plants). I would be going hysterical if they were on my own grow.