Rock-wool To Areoponic question?


Well-Known Member
Might be a stupid question but I thought it best to ask.

I am going to buy some clones that have been rooted in rock-wool, can I put these in an areoponic system with out shocking/killing them?

Yes or No? Will ph be an issue?



I'm a rookie, but....

If they are started in rockwool and they have any sort of root system (as opposed to just 1 tap root) it is next to impossible to get all the rockwool out of the roots. And if you have a bunch of rockwool hanging on to the roots it will tend to hold water, which will keep the roots from getting a lot of oxygen.

I started a couple seeds in rockwool, them moved them to soil. They seemed to die, so, as an experiment I dug them up, tore the rockwool apart and tried to remove the RW from the roots. Spent about an hour on the two seedlings. Plopped them in my StinkBud cloner. Guess they weren't totally dead, but...

1) I probably damaged the root system taking the RW out.
2) The hanging root system w/ remaining RW attached seems to hold a lot of water.
3) The plants didn't totally die, but the root growth is extremely slow. (Shock?)

Anyway, new sprouts from new seeds are overtaking them in size, so I'm gonna pull them out and trash'em.

I realize my results show a lot of mistake and could easily have nothing to do with the RW, but to me it indicates moving from RW to aero is possible, but a really poor way to go, if you have other alternatives.

Good Luck however you decide to go.