

I started my seeds in a paper towel and then I put them in six inch pots. They are about 5 inches high now. When should I put them in a bigger pot and how big is a 1 gallon pot big enough? I'm not lookin for a monster lol. Just an average yeild. Thanks in advance.

Brick Top

New Member
I started my seeds in a paper towel and then I put them in six inch pots. They are about 5 inches high now. When should I put them in a bigger pot and how big is a 1 gallon pot big enough? I'm not lookin for a monster lol. Just an average yeild. Thanks in advance.

I never re-pot ... I have not re-potted in more years than I can begin to remember. I always use nothing smaller than 5-gallon pots inside, normally 7-gallon pots, and I mainly used 15-gallon pots outside when I grew outdoors, though I have used up to 25 gallon in size and I have tried as small as 7-gallon pots outside too.

By starting out a plant in the largest sized container it will ever exist in I do not have to deal with root-bound problems and I never risk the plant damage or plant-shock that is risked each time someone transplants.


Hi all ..

Brick Top .. thanks for that. I am growing a dwarf strain; keeping her indoors at night and taking her out in the mornings, just like a good parent should. (If you read my Newbie post you will know why I only have the one for now! :D)
I put the seed into a fibrous small container that will rot through into the soil once the plant has got 3 inches high or so and moved it into a pot a couple of sizes up ... have just re potted her into her "forever home" and it seems now, I can just cut out the middle man (or pot) and pop the next ones straight into their big homes right away.

Thanks muchly.