RDWC Hydro with tap water (bennies/h2o2)


Well-Known Member
So, I ran out of RO (system broke). Did a res change and had to use tap (190ppm). Without thinking, I added hydro guard to the mix as I usually do. Then I read that the contaminants in tap water kill bennies, so I thought about adding H2O2 to the res. But if tap water kills microbes, wouldn’t that make it sterile? Because either it doesn’t kill microbes, and my HG is doing it’s work right now, or it does and HG is doing nothing because all the microbes are being killed by the tap water. My water temp is about 71 right now, a little high for my liking. So I’m wondering, is the HG working? Or should I add H2O2 just to be safe? If so, what dose should i add? (12% H2O2 solution).
