Rasmussen most inaccurate pollster for 2012 race


Well-Known Member

Actual result: Obama 50%, Romney 48%
Most accurate pollsters:
* Columbus Dispatch: Obama 50%, Romney 48% — Exactly Right
* Univ. of Cincinnate: Obama 50%, Romney 49%
Least accurate pollster:
* Rasmussen: Obama 49%, Romney 49%

Actual result: Obama 50%, Romney 49%
Most accurate pollsters:
* Public Policy: Obama 50%, Romney 49% — Exactly Right
* NBC/WSJ/Marist: Obama 49%, Romney 47%
Who got it wrong:
* Mason-Dixon: Romney 51%, Obama 45%
* InsiderAdvantage: Romney 52%, Obama 47%

Actual result: Obama 51%, Romney 48%
Most accurate pollsters:
* Public Policy: Obama 51%, Romney 47%
* Washington Post: Obama 51%, Romney 47%
* CBS/NYT/Quinnipiac: Obama 49%, Romney 47%
Who got it wrong:
* Roanoke: Romney 49%, Obama 44%
* Rasmussen: Romney 50%, Obama 48%
* FOX News: Romney 47%, Obama 45%

Actual result: Obama 52%, Romney 47%
Most accurate pollsters:
* Public Policy: Obama 51%, Romney 48%
* NBC/WSJ/Marist: Obama 49%, Romney 46%
* WeAskAmerica: Obama 52%, Romney 45%
Least accurate pollster:
* Rasmussen: Romney 49%, Obama 49%

Actual result: Obama 52%, Romney 46%
Most accurate pollsters:
* NBC/WSJ/Marist: Obama 50%, Romney 44%
* Des Moines Register: Obama 47%, Romney 42%
Who got it wrong:
* Rasmussen: Romney 49%, Obama 48%
* ARG: Romney 49%, Obama 48%

Actual result: Obama 52%, Romney 47%
Most accurate pollsters:
* New England College: Obama 50%, Romney 46%
* WMUR: Obama 51%, Romney 48%
Least accurate pollster:
* ARG: Romney 49%, Obama 49%

Actual result: Obama 52%, Romney 46%
Most accurate pollsters:
* Public Policy: Obama 51%, Romney 47%
* SurveyUSA: Obama 50%, Romney 46%
Least accurate pollsters:
* Gravis: Obama 50%, Romney 49%

Actual result: Obama 50%, Romney 47%
Most accurate pollsters:
* WeAskAmerica: Obama 50%, Romney 47% — Exactly Right
* CNN: Obama 50%, Romney 48%
* SurveyUSA: Obama 47%, Romney 45%
Who got it wrong:
* Rasmussen: Romney 50%, Obama 47%
* ARG: Romney 49%, Obama 48%

Actual result: Romney 51%, Obama 48%
Most accurate pollsters:
* Gravis: Romney 50%, Obama 46%
Least accurate pollsters:
* Elon: Romney 45%, Obama 45%
* Public Policy: Romney 49%, Obama 49%

Actual result: Obama 50%, Romney 49%
Most accurate pollsters:
* IBD/TIPP: Obama 50%, Romney 49% — Exactly Right
* NBC/WSJ/Marist: Obama 48%, Romney 47%
Who got it wrong:
* Rasmussen: Romney 49%, Obama 48%
* Gallup: Romney 50%, Obama 49%


Well-Known Member
Rasmussen Polls are create to make Republicans feel cozy and good all over...until election day..then it's WTF


Well-Known Member
Nate Silver is the new election prediction god, fuck the polsters. He hit 50 of 50, nailed the electoral numbers before the election. Damn....


Scientia Cannabis
Nate Silver is the new election prediction god, fuck the polsters. He hit 50 of 50, nailed the electoral numbers before the election. Damn....
And those of us who supported him before the election got a shit storm thrown at us.
Haven't seen any of those morons tho opposed Nates calculations admit they were wrong.
Everyone of them said landslide Rmoney and that we would be made fun of after the election because of the stupid predictions.

Where are all those ignorant haters now?


Well-Known Member
And those of us who supported him before the election got a shit storm thrown at us.
Haven't seen any of those morons tho opposed Nates calculations admit they were wrong.
Everyone of them said landslide Rmoney and that we would be made fun of after the election because of the stupid predictions.
Those predictions were based on Republican voters showing up to vote.
Romney got 3 million less votes than McCain did in '08.
If the base had shown up, the race would have been much tighter.
A lot of people are taking a stand on not wanting a moderate as the nominee EVERY 4 years.
There have been issues with the party's primary process.


Well-Known Member
Those predictions were based on Republican voters showing up to vote.
Romney got 3 million less votes than McCain did in '08.
If the base had shown up, the race would have been much tighter.
A lot of people are taking a stand on not wanting a moderate as the nominee EVERY 4 years.
There have been issues with the party's primary process.

Ahh..so that's it, the base didn't show up to vote. But Rove said it was the hurricane, Hannity said it was because Romney was too honest and nice, and Rush said it was because of voter fraud....which was it?


Well-Known Member
all those skewed polls underestimated the democratic turnout, just like the republicans were saying all along.

now, where did NLXSK and beenthere and muyloco go? they were all predicting landslide. muyloco was talking about a 10 point lead in the polls for romney.

here, muyloco. here boy! be a good little bitch and come here.


Well-Known Member
Republican voters did show up
Unfortunatly so did the Democrat voters

Anytime voter participation is high. Democrats win


Well-Known Member
There is PROOF that the base didn't show up to vote. It wasn't an opinion retard. But OK, drop names to defend the facts.
It must be fun living in a world where logic has no meaning, and where reason is not a factor. :dunce:
"Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better or is this real?"


Well-Known Member
There is PROOF that the base didn't show up to vote. It wasn't an opinion retard. But OK, drop names to defend the facts.
It must be fun living in a world where logic has no meaning, and where reason is not a factor. :dunce:

You got the market cornered on logic and reason...lol

Romney will be in Chicago on Tuesday for election returns. He will get to the bottom of it when he becomes president.
Enjoy your black president for another 4 years muthafucka!


Well-Known Member
That unskewed polls guy cracks me up the most. How embarrassing.

The best part is the name "unskewed polls", cause he literally went and skewed the shit out of them.

The irony, it's killing me.