Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind


Well-Known Member
Qué es la vida? Un frenesí.
¿Qué es la vida? Una ilusión,
una sombra, una ficción,
y el mayor bien es pequeño:
que toda la vida es sueño,
y los sueños, sueños son."


What is life? A frenzy.
What is life? An illusion
a shadow, a fiction,
and the greatest good is:
that all life is a dream,
and dreams.... they're dreams....

Segismund, Character Life is a Dream by Pedro Calderon de la Barca


"I'm tired of hearing ya'll talk about Texas, Texas is alot like like old pussy....yeah....its down there but who in the hell cares?" -old redneck at a bar.


Well-Known Member
i heard this a lot at a job all the time, which I went to stoned all the time..... i was a server....

"Excuses are like assholes, everybody's got one and they all stink!!"

Cannabis Krew 420

Active Member
"It's better to be somebody for a day, than a nobody for a lifetime" the Kidd Frankie

thats from an awesommmmeee movie called "The Business", its about british criminals who smuggle hash from morroco. I seriously recomend it to everyone on here!