Questions about Obamacare


Well-Known Member
Nope, They tell me to but don't force me to. There had been times in the past that I had driven without it.
Nope, I drive without my seatbelt all the time, would do it more if the stupid car didn't beep at me.
Nope, I actually went 2 years without a updated drivers license.
Nope, because I have no idea what you are talking about.
Yup, I can put whatever I want into my body.
So if you get caught doing those things they will issue a fine and a citation, will you pay that fine?


Well-Known Member

Brother it’s all a choice, and there are consequences for your actions no matter what. I buy insurance because I drive a car that I owe money on. Now when I was younger I had no insurance and that was dumb thank god I didn’t hit anyone because I didn’t have the money out of pocket to pay for their car as well as any harm I would have done to them. I wear a seat belt not because the government tells me to, but because it’s the smart thing to do, and yes I do renew my driver’s license because it insures other drivers that I can be trusted because I passed a driving test and deserve to drive. I need permits to work on my land to insure the people around me like my neighbors that what I am constructing is good and correct work. You read to deep into this shit because your Google educated and it’s clouding your mind. I bet you don’t have a kid, and would never understand the struggle that goes into providing for one. You don’t want the insurance that’s fine. Taxes are inevitable so get used to it dude nothing is going to change there. In life we are guaranteed two things; taxes, and death. So you have two choices; you can bitch about it all day online which you have obviously decided to do, or you can just sit back and enjoy the ride. I bet you think that you have some futuristic Idealistic way of your views imagining that you are the first one to ever come up with the arguments of the inevitabilities, but really your just an uneducated, prusson system thought, ignorant person that is going to continue this ignorance to your kids. I made a life for myself and I still have about 80 years left on this earth. I have been to war, graduated from college, own a shit ton of real-estate. I would say that life is pretty good. So what was I forced to do in life? Only the inevitabilities of life that I have no control over champ. Till you accept the things you can change, and the things you can’t and the wisdom to know the difference, you’re going to be just another product of society who wasted their life worrying about shit that didn’t really matter. Yes everything is about our children EVERYTHING!


Well-Known Member
I do what the Man tells me to do because resistance never did anyone good. I grow my weed and I raise my children. When taxes are due I pay them as well. I don’t fuck things off because running from problems never got anyone anywhere. See we are going to sit and have a conversation about our views, but the truth is tomorrow, you’re going to be right back here talking about the same shit. I on the other hand will go to work and be a productive citizen not because I have to, but because it is how my grandfather taught my father, and how my father taught me. I bitch, but what good does it do? I have said it before and I will say it again. Sure when the people stand up against our corporate controlled goliath of a government I will be right in with the group, but I’m not starting the revolution, and by the looks of it neither are you.