purple pineberry twin seed


Anyone ever seen 2 seedlings emerge from one seed? First a big stem and set of leaves poped then a smaller stem and set a day later. The bigger of the two Is stunted and cureled, and the small one is growing. Anyone herd of or seen this before? I think i might pinch the larger stunted/ deformed set. This should make the smaller but faster twin take off. Ideas?


My only thought is i would love to see that shit, take a picture for us. I have germinated a lot of seeds thousands probably and have never seen this at all.


This purple pineberry is part of 4 strain project. Purple Widow, Purple Gum, GDP, and this Purple Pineberry. I am looking for a purple keeper, and will proly start a online journey if there is any flyers.


Just a update on the ppb siemess twins. I made 2 cuts on the fused leaf set and that really helped the smaller but not deformed twin take off. The smaller one formed another set so i removed the bigger half of the fused seedling. Now the solo. Purple pineberry twin us doing great with 2 new sets. Of leaf